grey/ polychrome one shot contest entry (and winner!!!)
Most people grow up their whole lives seeing color. When you grow up having something, it's hard to picture life without it. Everyone lives their everyday lives not realizing the gift they have. But if the ability to see color was taken away they wouldn't act so positively. I ,on the other hand, am different from these people. Color wasn't taken away from me. Sure I used to have the ability to see color. Sure I got in a car accident and lost this privilege. But the thing is I still see colors, just not the same colors as you. I see grey, white, and black. Most people feel sorry for me, but they shouldn't. I can't see colors like you, but I couldn't be happier about it.
I've been told that my loss of color has taken away parts of my life that I will never get back. They're right. I'll never get to reminisce when I'm old on the days where the sky was so blue you could get lost looking at it. I'll never be able to tell my kids about the cherry red bike I had and how it stood out like a sore thumb as I rode down the dark asphalt of the streets. Sure not seeing color has taken away parts of my life, but it's given me so much more than a normal life would.
It gave me Olive. If I had never been in the accident and lost sight of color, I would have never gone to that art class. I would have never met Olive. I would have never found out the truth about my dad and my condition. I would have never seen the true beauty in the world.
This whole condition has been a gift. People are constantly distracted by the color of nature, that they don't realize the true beauty of it all. They see a butterfly only for its colorful and vibrant wings. No one seems to sees the way it floats through the air with every fluid flutter of its wings. The way it lives so simply but yet everything it does is so intricate.
The other part of this gift is seeing people for who they are. When I was able to see color again, just for that short time, I never saw the real beauty of Olive. I only paid attention to her hair, her clothes, her eyes. I became superficial. Losing color again allowed me to see her for who she is. I got to truly know Olive. I learned that she is a great kisser. She is so smart when it comes to weird trivial facts. She is wise beyond her years. She's not the next Picasso but her art is beautiful. She is full of emotion and isn't afraid to tell you how she feels. She is spontaneous but also careful. She is kind and loving. As her red lips faded to gray, my love for her grew. Without the loss of color in my life, I would have loss the love of my life.
My condition isn't a loss, it's my greatest feature.
For this piece I didn't sit and plan out what I was going to write. I just let my thoughts and my pen flow, and this is what was left on the paper (of course there was a bit of editing and typing involved). I didn't pour my blood sweat and tears in to this, but I poured my heart and soul. It may not be the best but I hope you enjoy it none the less.
Teen Fiction(One shot entry) What is it like to see in grays? What is it like to gain back the ability to see in color? And what is it like to slowly lose it all and watch the world fade to gray?