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"Practice like you've never won. Perform like you've never lost."      by unknown

"Nanna you called for me?" a 13 year old brownish ginger girl inquired as she entered her grandmother's study, her hands behind her back elegantly, showing off her baby blue knee length dress, "Yes dear, come here and meet a dear friend of mine." Queen Elizabeth the II said smiling at her granddaughter, the young girl almost looked like her mother, the late Princess Diana, from the way the girl carried herself to the way she was always self-conscious in any situation.

Nodding the young princess walked forward, her long hair bouncing with every step,  while her green eyes shone with curiosity, the young girl was the most curious being the royal family had ever met, they would always be able to find her in the library or in the gardens reading a book, or ridding a horse, or maybe even annoying her brother's wits with her questions about their jobs and studying careers. 

As she reached the small desk, the young princess took a seat next to the stranger and in front of her grandmother, her shy smile appearing, "Belle dear, this is a dear friend of mine, Chester King." The Queen said motioning to the gentleman sitting next to the 13 year old girl, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Princess." Chester said bowing his head slightly, "The pleasure is all mine Sir." Princess Annabelle smiled, "Chester this is my granddaughter through Charles and Diana, Annabelle Victoria Marie Grace." The Queen added so her friend knew her daughter.

Although it wasn't as if he didn't know her, everyone knew the youngest child of Princess Diana and Prince Charles, the one that was speculated that wasn't actually royal, although after a paternity test it was finalized that she was. Yet the young Princess still suffered a lot of backlash every time that she went out, from sneers telling her that she was a fake, to people actually spitting on her shoes, yet the young princess held her head high and ignored the haters.

"May I inquire as to why I was called to this meeting nanna?" Belle asked, confusion filling her words, as a small frown settled on her forehead, "Chester here works for a secret organization that I was apart of, but seeing as I am not as fit as I once was, I would like you to take my place in the Organization." The matriarch of the Royal family stated, slowly the young brownish ginger nodded, still she was deeply confused as to why her grandmother would choose her.

"Why? Why me?" she couldn't help but inquire, "I know that since your mother's passing you've been having some trouble in finding your calling." Elizabeth stated, once again Belle nodded and the two adult watched as she slowly began to understand, "And you believe that being in this secret organization will help me find my calling?" The young princess assumed and watched as both adult nodded, "Then if you believe so nanna, I will try it and see if it is." Belle stated.

It was common knowledge to those around the royal family that if the Queen suggested something Belle would be the first person to jump on board and try it, she wanted to try everything her grandmother suggested and even if she didn't like it at least she knew that her grandmother knew that she had at least tried. So far there hadn't been one thing that the young princess had tried and hadn't liked.

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