Act 1 Part 1

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"Heeeeyyyy!!" I see an annoying boy running towards me from the distance, that boy is Patton, my neighbour and good friend since we were children. You know, the kind of friend you'd never see yourself making today but it just kinda works out because you've known each other for so long? We used to walk to school together on days like this, but starting around high school he would oversleep more and more frequently, and I would get tired of waiting up. But if he's going to chase after me like this, I almost feel better off running away However, I just sigh and idle in front of the crosswalk and let Patton catch up to me. "Haaaaa...haaaaa...I woke up late again! But!" He holds a hand up triumphantly, "I caught you this time!"

"Heh, maybe, but only because I decided to stop and wait for you." Patton gasps softly and crosses his arms across his chest...he kinda looks like an angry puppy.

"Eh?! You say that like you were thinking about ignoring me! That's mean Remy!" I chuckle and ruffle his hair.

"Yeah yeah, but if anyone stares at you for being weird I don't want 'em to think we're a couple or something." Patton sighs and fidgets a bit with his uniforms tie.

"Fine, fine...but you did wait for me! I guess you don't have it in you to be mean even if you want to!" Patton grins and nudges me playfully as I scoff and look away so he can't see the trace of pink on my cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say, Pat." Patton giggles as we cross the street and come to the school's entrance. As we enter, Patton turns to me and begins talking again.

"By the way, have you decided on a club to join yet?" I must've looked perplexed at his question, because he continued his statement with, "You told me you would join a club this year!" Well, I'm sure I could've told him that I would in one of our conversations where I just kinda go along with whatever he's saying about cats and puppies or something. "I was talking about how I'm worried that you won't learn how to socialize or have any skills before college." Patton looks...incredibly concerned. Jeez. "I know you're happy right now but I'd die at the thought of you becoming a NEET in a few years because you're not used to the real world!" He looks down for a moment before looking back up at me. "You trust me, don't you Rem-Rem?" Oh god I can't deny that face...those puppy eyes...oh god...ugh.

"Alright, alright! I'll look at a few clubs if it makes you happy...I-" I sigh, "I'll even join one, okay?" Patton gasps and jumps up and down, hugging me tightly.

"Yay! Thank you so much Rem!" The bell rang loudly in my ears as he let go and ran down the hall, shouting a goodbye as he went to his home room class.

The school day is as ordinary as ever and it's over before I know it. After I pack up my things, I stare blankly at the wall, looking for an ounce of motivation. "Clubs..." I promised Patton I'd join one but...there really aren't any that interest me. Not much for a gay teen guy to look at in terms of clubs, huh? Guess I'll start with something simple, like maybe...the baking club?

"Hellllloooo?" Eh? Suddenly, I see Patton standing in front of me. He must've come in while I was spacing out. "Jeez! You're even worse than me sometimes, I'm impressed!" I sigh and lower my sunglasses to look him in the eyes.

"Pat...don't you have your own club to go to?" He blushes and looks away from me, shuffling his feet awkwardly.

"Well, i we could, uh...start with my club? To, you know, give you some motivation?" I sigh and stand up.


"Yeah?" I sigh.

"There is no way in hell i'm going to the literature club." Patton suddenly looks dejected.

"Wh-what?! B-but...I promised Logan there'd be a new member today...Roman made cupcakes and everything..." I sigh again and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Pat, haven't I told you not to make promises you can't keep?" Well, I don't want him to get in trouble with his clubmates...let alone the president of his club..."Fine." I say dryly. "I'll come for a cupcake." Patton squeals and grabs my wrist, dragging me up the stairs and to the clubroom. And thus, today marks the day I sold my soul for a cupcake. 

The Sanders Sides Doki Doki Literature Club AU That No One WantedWhere stories live. Discover now