my mind hurts

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Ok so in English we've been doing debates as I said yesterday and our topic is "Should prisoners be sent to colonise Mars " and one of the many topics that come up is "Britain colonised Australia and it worked" Which got me thinking.

Back then in 1788, people hardly travelled between countries and when they did it was by ship over many months. but now its so easy to just hop on a plane and fly over. What if its gonna be like that in 200-300 Years? Are we going to able to just fly to Mars? Will it even be flying because flying to Mars takes months, shipping over to Australia from England took months and they both trips only had select few at the start. Are we going to soon send more and more people to Mars? Will we have discovered a faster way to travel? Would teleportation have been created by then? Are we going to be missing out on this? are these the holidays our children and our children's children are going to go on?

Technology has come so far within the last few years and it's only going further. we have technology that people of the past couldn't even have dreamed of. I can't even imagine whats going to be there. Fucking hell I'm not ready for the future.

Wow, it's still morning at the time of writing IT'S TOO EARLY FOR THIS. 

-Tia_The_Awesome_Kid 🧠


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