Chapter 3

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I had been hanging out with Vanessa a while now. Since my mom worked at the school, I didn't tell her. I figured it wasn't a good idea to tell her yet. Vanessa had some different ideas about school. I think she has been reading too much weird stuff. Not only that, her amusement is watching Seinfeld on TV, and walking Chihuahuas. But you can only do so much thinking about that. Jazz band auditions that made the cut are announced today. I can't wait! Actually, I can. I am so nervous!

After school, I walked to the band room with the other kids that auditioned. The choices where listed in number order beside everyone's name. My name was actually on the list in second place, to a senior. That was pretty good I thought. When I got home, I decided to call Vanessa and tell her the news! She was really excited for me. She loves music too, just not the same kind. I could hardly hear to talk to her. I knew what it was, too. Seinfeld , full blast. Then a notification came across the screen of my iPhone. Low battery,crap. Too much flappy bird I'm sure. I plugged it up into the charger, and walked downstairs to eat supper with my family.

When I got downstairs to eat, I was excited to see it was pizza! I love pizza. Matter of factly, I could eat it every day. After we had finished, mom said she had something to tell me. She said she was moving to the elementary school's workroom, and it paid more money. Yeah, that's right. She wasn't going to be spying on me anymore! I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. No offense, in High school you don't want your parents around. Hey, you can get teased for that.

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