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Hey guys, sorry for another authors note. Probably getting annoying but I just need to write this

So, yes, I know I haven't uploaded in a while and sorry about that but I have a huge writers block.

I literally have no good ideas for the story so I mean, it kinda makes it hard for me to upload more chapters but uh thanks for reading all the stuff that is already uploaded and wow! Thanks for 14K reads it means a lot really and all the votes and comments and stuff.

And I love seeing comments to be honest haha they really help out with the story, and I need a, I made this so that

Maybe you guys could um comment some suggestions it really does help

Also all the people who have followed me, thanks I definitely follow everyone back sooner or later and yeah!

So thanks for reading this if you actually read until here because I know these are annoying and you probably don't wanna read it but I feel like

I should make one of these everyone once in a while, it helps me get ideas and kinda lets me I guess talk to you guys and hear your feedback

About my book so once again it really does mean a lot with all the feedback whether it's good or bad it still does mean lots it lets me know if like, people like it

And obviously people have different opinions but still you know it helps.

Alright guys not gonna make this too long I could probably write pages and pages if I don't stop myself lol

So please feel free to message or comment and give me some suggestions so thanks so much for reading if u read all of this! Peace out!


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