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"Stanley Uris where the fuck have you been!" Mr. Uris screamed. "Dad w-w-what are you doing up?" Stanley asked scared. "I got up to make sure I had everything ready for my meeting tomorrow, and I looked in your room to find it empty. Now where were you?" Mr. Uris said obviously very pissed off. "I was just hanging out with Bill." Stan said very nervous. "I told you to study. Not go hang out with your friend." Mr. Uris yelled. "I-I'm sorry." Stan said his eyes becoming watery. "Sorry isn't going to cut it this fucking time. What's it going to take to get it through your goddamn head!" Mr. Uris said. "I... I..." Stan was at a loss for words he had never seen his dad so angry. "It's m-m-my fault Mr. U-Uris." Bill said. "No it's not. Stan should've know not to sneak out of the house." Mr. Uris said glaring at his son. "You're grounded, Stan, for a month." Mr. Uris said shaking his head disappointedly. "Yes, sir." Stan said walking over to the stairs to go up to his room. "Mr. Uris t-t-t-this is..." Bill was cut off. "Bill it'd be best if you went home immediately." Mr. Uris said turning his gaze from Stan to Bill. Mr. Uris pushed Bill out the door and closed it behind him. Bill sighed and looked up at Stan's bedroom window to see the light get turned off.

Bill frowned and turned around and headed down the road towards his house. He walked back down that road for a fifth time that night. However this time was different he felt really bad about convincing Stan to go out. He knew this whole thing was his fault and he felt absolutely terrible. He was also mad at himself for it. He was putting all the blame on himself. "Hey shithead!" Bill turned around to see Henry Bowers friends on the other side of the street. The three guys ran across the street towards Bill. Bill just stood there with tears running down his face. He didn't even realize that he was crying. "What's wrong did your boyfriend dump you ya faggot?" Patrick smirked. "Fuck y-you." Bill yelled. "Flattering but no." Patrick said before punching Bill in the cheek. The force from the punch knocked Bill backwards. "Get him." Patrick said motioning towards Bill. The other two guys jumped on top of Bill and began beating him up. Bill's vision began getting blurry before it finally went dark.

Stan's House

Bill must feel so bad. Stan thought to himself. Stan sat up on his bed in his dark room and sighed. He couldn't stop thinking about Bill and how bad he felt. It wasn't Bill's fault it was Stan's. But Stan didn't regret spending time with Bill. Even if he was in huge trouble for it. Stan decided to open his window. He got up and walked over to it then opened it. When he looked out he heard someone scream "You fucking faggot!" Stan looked around and saw Patrick Hockstedder kicking someone who was behind a bush. "Please don't be Bill." Stan whispered. Stan turned around and looked out his bedroom door to see if his dad was there. He heard loud snoring which meant his dad was asleep. He quietly walked downstairs and ran outside to see who was getting beat up. He walked up to the bush and hid behind them to see Bill laying in the ground as Patrick and the other two boys walked away. Bill had a Black eye, a bruised cheek, and a bloody nose. Stan ran up to Bill and crouched at his side. "Bill... Bill!" Stan said teas falling from his eyes. Bill just laid there not making a sound. "Come on let's get you inside." Stan said wiping his eyes. Stan gently picked Bill's unconscious body up and helped him into his house. He was able to get Bill into the living room. He then started to take him up the stairs. Bill's leg hit one of the steps and he groaned in pain. "Shh babe it's okay." Stan said relieved that Bill was awake. "S-S-Stan?" Bill asked confused. "Yeah it's me." Stan smiled his eyes still brimmed with tears.

They got up the last few stairs and into Stan's room. Stan guided Bill to his bed and laid him down. "T-Thank y-y-you." Bill said before coughing. Stan rushed down stairs and got a cup of water and a paper towel. He went back up to his room and helped Bill sit up before handing the things to Bill. Bill took the paper towel and put in his nostril then took a sip of the water. "What happened Billy?" Stan asked worried. "I-I started walking h-h-h-home a-and then Patrick s-s-showed u-up and called m-me a-a-a fag then they b-beat me up." Bill said starting to cry. "The l-l-l-last thing I remember i-i-is you h-helping m-m-me up the stairs." Stan pulled Bill into a tight hug. "I'm so fucking sorry baby." Stan said starting to cry. "It's o-okay." Bill said hugging back. "N-No it's not I should've protected you!" Stan said pulling away.

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