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I CAN TOTOLYY SPEK TIDAY!!!! Like in math, I was reading a question and it was talking about a circular photo frame and I read
"There is a circular potato frame..." out loud and everyone around me started laughing. Then, Snowy2468m said "Did you just say potato frame?" while still laughing. And then I realized what I just said and I laughed for a minute straight. And then when I got home, I was calling Snowy2468m and I couldn't say republic. I tried so many times to say that word but I failed... MISERABLY. But hey, I only got like... 6 hours and 10 minutes of sleep..... that was my only excuse the whole day. And I know most of you are like, "I SURVIVE ON LESS THAN 6 HOURS OF SLEEP!!!!" *cough cough* Snowy2468m *cough cough* but this is sooo little for me. I usually get at least 9 hours of sleep, mostly 10. But YEAH!!! THAT'S ME LIFE IN A NUTSHELL!!!!!"

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