Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

I couldn't breath standing there in the middle of the hallway I wanted to cry. I wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Leome has never gone missing without at least calling me before he did and he never went missing for this long without me knowing where he is. I felt the tears in my eyes begin to develope when I looked up at Matalie and she looked like she wanted to cry too. I wanted to so bad but I wasn't going to let anybody see me do that ecspecially sweet little Matalie. So I put on the best fake smile I could and said " I'm sure he's fine. He probably wanted to take a brake to since its seems as though his parents always do." After I said that she felt a little more reasured about it. She was lookeing at me really hopefully, and right when she was about to say something the bell rang signaling for us to got to our first class of the day. 

I made it through most of the day fine. I only had a hard time concentrating when I got to the classes that I had with Leome. it got really hard when I got to lunch. Me and Leome had had lunch together everyday since the day that we met eachother. Even if I was sick he would leave school and come have lunch with me and i would always do that same for him. Just thinking about made me want to cry. I think I was just about to when Matalie sat down at the table. I was blinking away the tears when she said "Hey there." all cheery and happy like she usually is. I looked at her with the best fake smile I could and said "Hey honey." in my very best contry accent. "Sit on down here and tell aunt Nal about your day." i said making her laugh really hard." Niala I really wish you wouldn't do that while im drinking milk. It all almost came out my nose the last time." she said trying her hardest not to laugh anymore. Seeing her that happy I couldn't help but laugh. The only piece that is missing from this happy equation is Leome. The thought of him put me back in a really bad mood. Apparently Matalie noticed the emotion change and asked "What's wrong?" I looked at her then looked at Leome's usual seat. Her eyes suddenly got big "Are you still in that mood about him going missing." I looked at her and said "Well yeah. He is one of my best friends and he's been missing for 3 days and nobody has heard from him." After I said that her eyes got really big. "Wait so u havent heard from him." Then i looked at her really confused. What made her think that i had talked to him before he went missing. "No. I wasnt talking to him at the moment.We had had an argument."  Even though i didn't think they could her eyes got bigger.  I was about to say something when the bell signalling the end of lunch sounded. I looked back at all the people leaving the cafateria and then back at Matalie who looked kind of sad now. "Alright sweety. you gotta get up so we can go to class." was all I said before we got up and left the cafateria. We made it through the rest of the day okay until we got to the classes we would usually have with Leome. 

When I got home all I wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry. Nope! That was not what i was going to do. Since i couldn't do that i decided to call Leome repeatedly until i got an answer which i knew i wouldn't get. After I called him at least 60,000 times I decided to just layin bed and think about everything that has been happening lately. I was just about to fall asleep when i heard a knock on my door. Knowing already who it was i just yelled "Come on in!!" When my mom walked into my room she had a sympathetic smile on her face. She walked over and sat on the edge of my bed " Hi sweety. How you doing?" I looked up at her and smiled " I'm fine mommy." She shrugged and got off my bed " Alright. But i was just coming to let you know that I'm going to be calling you and your brother down for dinner in about 5 minutes, so don't go to sleep." She looked back at me and winked which made me laugh. I swear my mom knows me better than anybody else in the world. 

My mom is probaply one of the greatest people in the world. She had me when she was about 17. She had no money and my dad kind of just disappeared after they, you know, did the deed. She quit school and got a job at my grandpa's law firm just so she could take care of me. When i was about 6 my mom went into this really bad depression mode. Then she met my stepdad Brian, and after about a year of dating they got married. Then about years ago she had my little brother Jordan. But honestly i don't think she ever really got over my dad. She won't even talk about him, she just always tells me that i have his eyes. But when i ask her his name she will never tell me, she just suddenly changes the subject. Its sad really because Brian really loves her but she'll never love him the way she wants to because she's still tied to my dad. Everybody can tell, I can, mom, I think Brian notices to he just doesn't want to face the fact that his wife just doesn't love him. I was just about to drift back into sleep when mom called everyone down to dinner.

After dinner i decided to come to my roomm and sleep instead of watchin tv with Jordan like usually do. I was laying in my bed looking at the ceiling when Jordan came in and jumped on me "Niala!! Niala! Adventure time is on are you going to come watch it with me." I looked at him sympathetically " Awww baby doll i would love to but have a lot of homework to get done." i hate lying to him but he wouldn't understand. As soon as the words came out i saw his little face shrink. As he was walking out of my room with his head down i said " How about you tell Brian to record it for you and we can watch it together tomorrow when I get home from school okay."  When he looked at me his little face just lit up with joy. He ran down the stares calling for his dad.

After about an hour of laying in bed feeling sorry for myself and thinking about the day I decided to go take a shower. As I was walking to my bathroom I had this strange feeling and i couldn't breath then everything suddenly changed. I was standing in Leome's room and he seemed to be talking to some guy. I couldn't see him because he was standing in a shadow but his presence was familiar. Leome looked like he was really scared when the guy made a slight movement and he was standing right next to Leome. Then everything just skipped and Leome was on the ground and the guy, whose face i still couldn't see, was standing over him. Then everything started to fade out and right before everything went blank I saw that the calendar said May 22, 2012. 


You want to know What happened to Leome? Who the starnge guy in her and Leome's room was? You wanna know why the last thing she saw in the vision was that date? well your gonna have to keep reading to find out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2012 ⏰

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