Part 3/บทที่3

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3rd Person POV

The twins followed their mother's order and fixed the table. After fixing the table,the family started eating.

"Boys, how's school?" Kongpob asked their kids earning a smile.

"It was okay. We started talking about where to go for our college and what will we take," Jan said still focused on his food. It is, after all, his favorite.

"I told them I'm going to the school you and mom went to and we decided to take engineering," Dao said earning a nod from his twin.

The parents were overjoyed at what they heard and they can't help but be proud.

"Sons, do what you want, okay? We are not forcing you to do anything."

The boys nodded at their mom's words when Jan looked up again.

"Mom, Dad, the story please?" He pouted and Arthit laughed a bit before continuing the story.


Arthit's POV

I looked at the door, my eyes narrowing from annoyance when I saw who disturbed us.

"AI' BRIGHT!!" His hands on his hips like scolding me and glared at him

"You left something at the bar so we went to give it to you, but what the hell guys!?! Making out with your door open??"

My eyebrows knitted at this and steps forward with a glint of murderous aura in my eyes.

"Where did you get the spare key Ai'Bright?"

I can see him fidgeting under my gaze when the gang entered, backing away slightly seeing how scary I look.

With a hesitant laugh, the father of the group, Knott stated "Ai'Arthit! Yeah. I got nothing, sorry Bright."

I looked at Prem and Toota as well and they both shook their heads, looking around to avoid my piercing gaze.

"Ai'Bright," once again I look at Bright and I see him shivered a bit.

"I..I don't have a spare key!" The lie in his voice was evident. I held out my hand and purse my lips giving him my hazer look.

"Give it to me Ai'Bright! Now!" He hesitantly gave it to me and I clutched it in my hands.

"Next time you barge in like that I swear I will hide your body where no one can see it."

He visibly shivered at this and so does the others.

"Bye!!" They all said at the same time running away from the dorm.

I heard Toota shouting from the elevator and I can't help but chuckle

"MOVE AI'BRIGHT!" That was Toota's voice, they sure are really noisy. I don't know how I put up with them.

Our Lives: A Kongpob and Arthit StoryWhere stories live. Discover now