Chapter 5

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"How was philosophy?" Chloe's voice rang out musically across the student parking zone.

The red head was biting back laughter as she leaned against her red convertible, watching as Beca fought with the case she was dragging across the rough ground. She couldn't help but notice how good the brunette looked as well. She was in her usual skinny jeans and checked shirt combo, but today had opted to comb a pair of sunglasses in through her chocolaty locks rather than flatten the hair to her head with her earphones (she was obviously expecting sunshine the second they drove out the gates).

It was something about the way this made the hair fall around Beca's face that caught Chloe's eye though. It seemed to brighten her up, and make the permanent half smirk look more like a shy grin.

"Sucked…" Beca waited until she was right up at the car to respond, not being as comfortable with shouting (and by default drawing attention to herself) as Chloe was. "But I expect nothing less of a class that talks constantly about the great mysteries of our existence," she added with an eye roll that made Chloe giggle.

"Why pick it then?" Chloe questioned as she lifted the DJ's case for her and threw it into the back seat (her own case having used up all space in the boot).

"Careful with that!" Beca ignored Chloe's question completely as her eyes went wide. "My laptop's in there," she whimpered, as if the case being thrown had personally wounded her (you'd swear it was her child Chloe had so carelessly flung).

"You know they have laptops in Florida." Chloe quirked her brow. "Plus facebook won't go anywhere without you on it for a few days," she teased.

"A laptop is wasted on you if all you use it for is facebook and twitter," Beca commented, finally recovering from her shock as she looked back at Chloe. "I have other stuff on there."

"Oh, how cryptic." Chloe paused for a moment, considering what it could possibly be. "Bet it's porn," she finally concluded, smiling happily when Beca's jaw dropped.

"Ew, Chloe! What?" Beca's face scrunched, as the red head pushed herself off the side of the car and moved around to the driver's side, smiling.

"Oh don't ew me," Chloe scoffed as Beca slid into the seat beside her. "We're both grown-ups here, we all do it." She either didn't sense Beca's discomfort, or didn't care.

"You're so weird," Beca huffed. "What I do is my business," she added, her ears now feeling the heat form her face (you could probably fry egg's on her cheeks at this point).

"Oh but sweet heart, for the next five days it's my business too." Chloe fluttered her eyelashes lovingly.

"I will get out of this car right now," Beca dead panned. "So help me god I will."

"I guess rule number one is no pet names then." Chloe feigned disappointment.

"And rule number two is no talking about porn." Beca was firm with her demand.

"As you please." Chloe shook her head smiling and put the car into reverse as they pulled out of the carpark.

They were silent for a while. It was too cold to have the roof down just yet, so Chloe instead rested her arm out the window and allowed the wind to whistle through her fingers as she drove. Beca of course set to work finding a station she actually liked (she'd almost given up hope by the third time she'd come across a station playing Call Me Maybe, and was about to plug in her iPod to something when an underground station playing re-mixes cracked through the speakers).

"So…" Chloe hummed over the soft bass coming from the radio. "What is on the laptop?"

"My music…" Beca replied simply, staring out the window rather than looking Chloe in the eye.

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