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"Hey umm hyung can I talk to eve for a second?" Jimin ask permission to Jin "Of course eve" Jin call you as you keep playing on Jin phone "yes bro.jin?" You ask through paper as you heard him call you"Jimin wants to talk to you for a second " Jin answer as you go to jimin.

"What is it bro.jimin?" You ask using paper as you both go out side the studio room "well um I just want to know what do you mean about what you said the other day, is so deep I couldn't understand" Jimin ask "well is for you to understand and figure it out yourself bro.jimin I'm not the one who can explain about it" you said using the paper "ohh...well ahh...okay haha umm...are you staying here for lunch? And dinner?" Jimin ask "yes if you guys want too?" You said using paper " Yes of course why can't we?" Someone said to at your back as you both turn around and saw "Hyung" Jimin said to Hoseok "Hi what are you two doing here? Out side the dance studio" Hoseok ask "We were ahh...just talking about life and career" Jimin answer as he want to keep everything up between him and you"well I'm sorry if I get interrupt but is time for us to practice we had a presentation later on mnet right?" Hoseok said "Yeah...I totally forgot about it well see ya later EVE" Jimin said as you just smile and bow as you then follow them later.

Mnet back stage:

"Bro.jin I'm going out for a while to buy us all food to eat later bunnyPd ask me to buy for us just tell the others Goodluck and do their best I'll be back later" you said using paper as you smile "Your going alone?" Jin ask "yeah! I'll be fine bro.jin don't worry okay and just prepare for your presentation later I'll be quick you won't see I'm already here" you said using paper as you smile widely "Okay...just be careful okay? And you better be back or else aunt Kim will kill me" Jin said "Okay" you simply said as you got out to the back stage changing room and go to the restaurant and store to buy foods for them.

"Where's eve did she gone home already? But I thought she is going to stay and have dinner with us today?" Taehyung ask to Jin "she is out buying food for us to eat later once were done participating on the stage" Jin answer "alone?"Taehyung ask again "Yes now quit questioning and start preparing cause we're next go!" Jin said as Taehyung hurriedly prepare and so does the others.

Back stage:
They're all done their turn to perform and they all got back to their changing room but jimin is waiting outside the room for you as girl group twice pass by to where jimin is sitting and you cornered them carrying heavy plastic bags full of foods "Oh my gahd I can't write right now I'm carrying too much stuff I can't get through...they're blocking my way" you thought "don't worry I got this" water said as she use a little magic to drew jimin attention to you who is struggling holding the all foods you buy "now stop staring to your crush tzuyo baby boy for a while and help my miss carry your all crazy foods!" Water said as she cast a spell.

"Oh! EVE?" Jimin said as he Immediately go to your direction and help you as the girl group twice watch who is the person jimin helping as your face should up they're all have a shocked expression but one of them is just have a normal expression "Who is that girl?" One member of twice ask "Yeah she is like a doll she is perfect" one member again ask "Her name is eve and she is not perfect as it is and don't question me why now lets go already our manager must be waiting now come on!" Nayeon said to her group mates "Some one is jealous I bet your not the only girl on jimin heart now tzuyo" other member said as they continue passing through jimin and your direction. As tzuyo have an annoyed expression.

"she has a crush to the girl name tzuyo" water said to you"Ohh...yeah I totally forgot about it water is good you remind me again thank you" you said to water using your  thoughts "y/n I can feel you, your feeling down I told you already your missio-" water words got cut by you saying "my mission is to finish this now come on water and don't worry about me I'm just a little caught out for a moment that's all" you said on your  thought having a uncomfortable expression on your face as jimin notice it while you two walk back to the changing room carrying the plastic bags full of foods "are you okay eve?" Jimin ask as you just smile looking to jimin and then face front as jimin didn't take it as a okay "What's gotten in to her? A while ago she is so energetic and jolly but now she seems down" Jimin wonder as you both arrive and get inside the changing room, you immediately put the food on the table prepare it and once your done you pack up your things you put on your sling bag and write something on a paper "I'm going home now bro's good job you all today to you all too who work and help I better go my mother call me" I lie "we were having a dinner date tonight so I must go now thank you for having me today and thank you for your all time" you said on a paper as you didn't give the others chance to speak When you hurriedly got out the changing room and fast walk out to the building "y/n?" Water ask "Your crying inside are you jealous?" Water added "No! I'm not I'm just disappointed" you said as water turn you back to normal so you can speak now" About what? Yourself?" Water ask "Yes" you answer "and why is that huh? Because you fall in love and yo-" water got cut and shocked by you answer "I just wanna finish this mission faster water and get the hell out of this freaking place! And your wrong! Very very wrong! I'm disappointed about myself because is just a simple task and I can't do it fast and now my parents is suffering and myself is getting tortured inside! And I don't want like this I don't want myself to be hurt. For years my parents lock me safe into that mansion so that I won't be hurt and now I'm here doing things well not just doing it I'm sacrificing my life for this fucking hella people! For myself and all of this end for myself was that really count a help water? Ha? Was it?. You know?...I'm sorry sigh! I'm sorry I'm lets go home hurry I'm just really tired from all this can I request to have a break from this all for a while? For just 2 days? Water can I?" You ask as water feel down and feeling guilt "Y-yes we can" water said,"I'm sorry I know this would happened" water added.

"Ohh...my daught-" Mrs.kim words got cut by you just passing through her direction as if you didn't saw her "Hey! I'm still talking to you! Hey!" Mrs.kim shout in anger as you shut your door harshly so loud that the sound of the door echo from the hallway "okay now tell me water what happened" Mrs.kim ask as water turn herself into human being and sit to the couch with Mrs.kim "I'm sorry Mrs.kim but I don't think she can finish this one" water said "No! She must finish this! She is so close to finish! Just forget what she said to you and move on continue do your mission" Mrs.kim simply said "Okay we will but tomorrow I prefer she will just stay here and take some rest is better if she cool off her head for a while" water said as she formed back to water and go to their shared room with you and saw you already sleeping. "I'm sorry" water said.

Jin POV:

"Why she leave so early and she has a sad expression" I wonder "okay you were with her jimin tell me what happened?" I ask in a serious tune because we know eve lie she can't speak so how can EVE say she talk to her mother over the phone? "Nothing happened I just help her and all that's it her mood just change I don't know why?" Jimin said on panic as Jin question him with a serious and fears expression "Yeah right" yoongi said "I'm telling the truth!" Jimin protest "That's enough!" Namjoon said "Who cares who cause her to be like that we don't know,we don't know what happened so why fight on it?" Namjoon said "Yeah she coming her tomorrow we could just ask her all about it" Hoseok said "Yeah they're right so chill guys" Taehyung said "Aren't you all gonna eat?" Jungkook ask "WE WILL!" As they all said.
End POV.

"Y/n? Are you up now? Your mother cook your favorite food today how about we go down stairs now and eat?" Water ask "She is not! She is not My mother! and no! I'm fine thank you I just want to be alone and sleep that's all! You can eat all you want now leave me alone!" You answer.

"Y/n....sigh! Look I'm sorry okay is my fault I know but also know even though something must be sacrifice this is still all for you and for your parents, sigh!...Just come down if you want to eat later I will save you some see ya" water said as she goes out the room and go down stair leaving you alone on the room.
"I will be back water I just really need sometime to think this through and so that I can still stay jolly and positive person so I will finish this fast and get home" you said.

Hello readers got some questions? If your question in about my grammar yeah my grammar is yeah and I don't know why my phone is keep typing a wrong words sometimes that I didn't get a chance to change it cause I gotta continue my type or else I'm go ana loss my idea so yeah I'm so sorry about my grammar so much thank you for reading please vote and suggest or comment I'm open to anything just don't mention hurtful or too much open words thank you and I love you all my readers.

Alright let me ask you all whoooose...

Jikook Stan here?, well I am!!! Aren't they so cute?! Hahaha oh

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Jikook Stan here?, well I am!!! Aren't they so cute?! Hahaha oh...brothers they're brothers. I love them both as a brothers brothers so cuuuute!!!

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