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She wasn't like any of the other kids. Like her older brothers who loves to play outside, meet other people and stuff like most kids like staying outside more often but for her she prefers to stay in. For her, she prefers watching television, draw or coloring her coloring book and read story books. Like any other mother, her mother never had any problem with it but there are times that she told her to try and go outside then being copped up inside all day long. The only problem is she doesn't know how to.

It was Monday afternoon at the park when her mom decided she needs to go outside, even though their house is only across the street. The little girl was watching her brother and the other kids playing tag and their mother was talking with the other grown-ups while she was seating at the swing looking at the ground. She wasn't allowed to bring her book or coloring book because her mother told her so. She glanced at the other kids playing until she heard a bell ringing. She looked at the direction where the sound came from and saw the ice cream man coming toward here. In excite she went to her mother and ask her mom for money for ice cream which her mom gladly gave some.

The ice cream man passed by her but eventually halted when she yelled. She was about to walk toward the man until she was ran over and fell on her knees. "Watch where you're going!" yelled the boy who was ridding the bike.

She got up and looked at her knees as she saw her right knee bleeding while her other knee and hand had a few scratches. The pain was excruciating especially at her bleeding knee but she did her best not to cry. She looked up at the boy who did this to her and glared at him.

"You should be the one who should watch where you are going! You stupid boy!" she exclaimed at the boy.

"Me? Stupid?! You were the one running without looking at where you were going!" he replied at her with anger in it.

"You should know that this is side walk and it's not for biking you idiot!" she yelled at him back. The boy got angrier as he got off his bike and pushed her hard as she fell on her butt. "Don't call me an idiot!" he said.

She whimpered as big fat tears running down her cheeks nonstop. She got up for the second time and this time she pushed him down. "You are stupid and mean boy! I hate you!" she said as she started running to her house while she heard her mom calling out for her.

A few days had passed by she didn't go outside after that accident. When she got to her house that day, she saw her father and ran towards him as she cried. Her mother on the other hand, treated her wounds and told her that what had happened was only an accident but she didn't listen to her mother. There were a few attempts that her mother wanted her to go outside and play with the other kids but she just ignored her mother and continued what she was doing. Her mother didn't push it anymore and left her for what she was doing until one day.

"Sweetie, there's someone here who wanted to see you." she heard her mom and looked at her with a warm smile while she gave her mother a quizzical look. Her mother reached out her hand as the little girl held her mother's hand and went out of the house. There she saw the boy, who ran over her and pushed her at the park the other day, with a woman beside her.

Her mother and his mother went inside their house after her mother gave her the talk-to-him look. She looks at him and asks "What are you doing here?"

He started walking toward her while looking as he rubs the back of his head "I'm here because I thought you might want to play," he said while looking down on the floor. "And I'm sorry about pushing you and running you over with my bike." he added as he look at her. She saw his ears turn red and his face red from all the blushing which made her giggle. 

"And I'm sorry for calling you names but you better watch out next time and I too will." she apologized while fidgeting with her hands and looking down. He looked at her and gave her his charming smile.

"Friends?" he said as he held out his hand as she gladly shook his hand and smiled at him as well.



Hi! I hope you like my story since this is my first. This is not edited and I am sorry for the wrong grammar and spellings. 

I know it's a boring at first but it will get better soon. Please keep reading and supporting me.


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