Chapter 2

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Victoria's POV

The following days were like a blur. Today is mom's day off. I really miss spending time with mom just me and her. She and dad have the same day off but dad had to go to work. I barely see dad these pass few days.

"What would you like to order?" my mom asked.

"I'll have what you have"

We're at Starbucks at the moment after finishing our errands and watching a movie. Mom left to buy our drinks while I'm sitting at our table at the corner. I took out the book that I bought, it is kind of old and all but I don't mind. It's the story that counts after all.

"Sweetie, I need to go to work." my mom said when she came back to our table with our drinks.

"But it's your day off."

"I got a call from the hospital and I know it's my day off, but there was a bus accident and a lot of people were rushed to the hospital." She explained to me.

I don't want to be selfish by asking her to stay. Instead I just tried to understand her. She is a nurse after all. I mean being a nurse is one of the most selfless acts a person can undertake and I admire my mom for that.

Looks like it is just me, myself and I again. I'm used to being by myself ever since my brothers moved out. When she left I stayed at Starbucks a little bit she gave me the money for grocery and told me to take a cab on the way home, even though I told her I could always just take the bus.

I closed the book for a bit as I check my phone if I have any messages. My phone isn't one of those touch screen phone and I don't mind, it's a flip phone. I had it since sixth grade and no matter how many times I accidentally drop it, it still works very well. I started texting Kelly about what time is she leaving for Scotland.

Kelly: I'm going to miss New York City.

Me: That's very sweet of you :P

Kelly: I'm just joking! Of course I'm going to miss you! And our flight departure: 10pm

Me: don't forget to bring me souvenirs or just a keychain would be nice.

Kelly and her parents travel a lot and she would give me and Sandra souvenirs. I prefer the key chains because I love collecting key chains. We talked for a little while and told me she agreed on the date with Gabriel. Thank God for that. I can't wait to see Sandra's face when she hears about this. I'm already hearing her saying "OMG" and "Holy sh*t" in my head now. I'll call her on skype later or maybe tomorrow.

After a few minutes I filled up the push cart with the items that are on the list. Now all I need is to go to the cereal aisle and get my favorite, Frosted Flakes. As I push my cart to the aisle, I saw the biggest pack. The only problem is, it's at the top of the shelf.

I tried reaching out for it. Keyword TRIED. I even looked around for someone to help me but nothing. This is really embarrassing. Curse this height and body. I sometimes wish a bit taller I stretch upward on tiptoes to reach the cereal box. A few people had passed by me while laughing for themselves because of struggles. Where's the employee here in this aisle. This is humiliating and some people even didn't bother helping me though.

After a few attempts, I saw a hand reached out and took it.

"Here you go." I heard a voice behind me.

I glance at the person whose hand and voice belongs to. I turned around and I was facing his chest. Great, another GIANT, I thought. He is really tall like 6 feet, almost as tall as my brother Matt. He's wearing a white shirt with red jacket on and jeans. Damn tall people.

I look up, like really up. If the girls met this guy they would literally ask for his number, and I know Sandra will. He has this dirty blond hair and boyish smile plastered on his face when he looked at me. He is like those typical guys next door. He is really cute and well built. He looks more like a college student though. Definitely the type of guy that Sandra will go after, I thought.

He looked at me as hands me the cereal box that I tried to reach that felt like for hours. His other hand is holding a basket with his grocery items.

My hands literally feel sore from all that reaching. I should have taken gym class seriously or maybe not.

"Thank you" I said to him as place the cereal inside my cart.

"Oh that was no problem." He chuckled and just stared at me while smiling.

He is definitely a guy next door type of guy.

"I just wanted to help and I can't help but laugh at you too."

Maybe he is not.

"Well I'm happy you find my situation funny, judging from my height." I said sarcastically.

"Oh no, I didn't mean to offend you. I actually find it very cute that you tried reaching the cereal box." He smiled, showing me his white teeth and dimples. Heat rushed into my face and it feels kind of hot here all of a sudden. My heart starts beating so fast now. Oh no.

I need my inhaler. Literally.

The guy just leaned forward a bit at me like he was observing me. Mainly my face.

"I got to go." I fake looking at my watch as I put the cereal inside my cart. "Thank you again for helping me with the cereal." He chuckled in amused.I pushed my cart fast to the counter and started placing the grocery items that i have picked.

I wasn't kidding about looking at my watch. It's getting late and I still need to prepare food for dinner.

I paid the cashier and headed out while holding two bags of grocery. When I got to the bus stop, I just missed it. Great now I have to wait for another hour. If I'm lucky I hope there's a cab that might pass by.

A few minutes had passed and I did saw a cab but it just drove away. That's just great, I though. Can this day get anymore worse?

I felt something wet on my nose. When I look up I felt another tiny drop on my face. I spoke to soon.

I tried grabbing my umbrella but then I realize that it was in my school bag. I went to the nearest place where I could take cover. I shake off the wetness on my head and place the grocery bags right beside me.

Pulling out my phone, I tried calling my dad but he didn't pick up. Calling mom is out of option since she's probably working. I tried calling Kelly next but my phone suddenly went off. Battery's dead. That's just great.

How am I ever going to get home now?

I was playing with the puddle in front of me with my foot, tapping it making my she soak. While I was staring at it I thought about what my mom and dad told me this morning.

I wonder how grandpa is.

They told me that my grandpa Antonio, my dad's father was rushed to the hospital because of a heart attack. He's my only grandfather now. My mother's father, Victor, passed away before I was born because he died saving a man from a car accident until the car exploded. I heard great stories about him from mom and dad all the time when I was a kid, even from my grandpa Antonio and from what they told me he sounds amazing. Him and grandpa Antonio were both police officers back then.

Grandpa Antonio lives at the other continent where the rest of our relatives are. He used to visit us with his wife, my Grandma Marie here. He would play with me and read or tell me stories when I was a kid but as I grew older, I barely see him now.

Me and my family lived in New York for ten years now ever since my mom became a citizen here. It was tough living here but with a little bit of patient and hard work everything went well.

My parents and I are flying back to the Philippines to visit my grandpa Antonio next week. My brother Carl will catch up while my other brother Matt will try to go. Although, I can't speak Filipino that much since the American language and accent rubbed it on me but I could still understand it, hopefully. Going back I was excited to go and meet everyone again but at the same scared to even set a foot there.

I was too busy staring and playing at the puddle when I didn't realize a pair shoes in front of me. When I looked up to see who these shoes belongs to. It was him.

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