Hi guys, First of all thank u so much for those who voted & commented...I come up with my first part. Its little longer hope I won't bore you all...And I am dedicating this story to special persons one who said to write an Ts another one who helped & encouraged me to write crazymahiz & B_K_Maha98
Storystartsfromsharmanivas Here we can hear someone scolding for spoiling his princess dress...
Ram: Robin can't you do a single work for that only from starting itself I said to you I will do it myself...
Did you know today is my princess's first day in twelth standard.. Till now I only did for her today because of you it's spoiled...😡😡😡
It's my mistake to take your help to iron her school dress...
Priya: oh god why you're scolding him like this (gesture him to leave) And who told you to getup from bed..Can't you understand ram you're having high fever even though you're doing like this...
Ram: Please priya don't treat me like a patient... It's my princess first day...
Priya: Did you think its her first day to school??Soon she going to finish her school days don't pamper her too much.
I don't know who is going to study you or your princess... Did you know now what time is..still your princess sleeping..And she says she don't want to go school today...😒
Ram: Even I feel the same...let her sleep some more time priya..Already robin had spoiled her dress..😕😕
Priya: what...seriously ram did you think your daughter having only one dress for school...Being a famous cardiologist only daughter she have 6 dress only for school.
You take rest I will iron her another dress & make her ready...
Ram: OK..shall I meet my daughter if you give your permission..🙏From morning I didn't see her face even you know she will not wakeup before seeing my face.
Priya: Is you're going to hear me did I say you not to go..no na...you go and wake her but please take care of you also.
Ram: Your order my highness madam..but when I see my daughter I will be alright saying this he kissed her on cheeks & leaves from their happily.
Priya: I know ram for you your princess is everything till now I can't forgot that incident on the first day of her school how u cried even she didn't cry..you make me embrassed in front of principal while asking "shall I sit with my daughter sure I won't disturb her
I only know how hard it's for me to console you even you wait for her in the gate itself still her school ending... (Priya laughs while thinking about all this) and says don't know how you're going to send our daughter to in-laws.
Inhisprincess room
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