♟Love is A Reaper♟

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Several weeks after the murder mystery was solved, I began to re-think my stragety of being a new member of the Phantomhive household. Lizzie soon got me into dress shopping and the social graces of learning out to play piano. But despite her gentle and innocent disposision, she insisted that soon I should accompany her to a fencing competition. I of course knew how to fence from my many lessons as a child but then again, it'd been over 2 years since I even touched a foil.

So one day, it was a bright and sunny afternoon...not too hot, not chilly either....Lizzie took me on the back patio and tossed me a foil with a tip on the end so that if anything happend, it wouldn't be serious.

"Shall we?" she asked smiling, swishing the foil around as she pointed it to me. I did the same and we both cursied to each other.

"May the best lady win!" called Ciel, of whom was sitting near the door, drinking some afternoon tea. Sebastian stood neaby and observed with great fasination.

"Now, do you remember what is off limits and against the rules?"

"No head shots, no neck shots, and anything below the knee does not count." I replied. Lizzie smiled mischeviously.

"Good. Sebastian?" she looked toward the black clad butler. He smiled softly.

"En-garde!" he said firmly and Lizzie struck my foil. I quickly manouvered out of the way and with quick footing, I called touche as I grazed her left side. Lizzie raised her eyebrows.

"You are better than what I originally planned!" she said and Sebastian called En-garde again.

        We played for several minutes, until finally she had overcome me but we politely bowed to one another and decided to discuss our week's plans over some tea.

"I thought that it would be quite lovely if you attended luncheon with me at the river tomorrow.. I am bringing a couple friends over and we will have tea and crumpets." said Lizzie. I smiled warmly, excited to be invited somewhere with Lizzie, and to meet new people.

"Actually Elizabeth, I had something else in mind for Millie tomorrow, some errands we needed to run, together." said Ciel and my smile melted into disgust but I tried to hide it.

"Where are we going Ciel?" I asked. He looked at me, all seriousness written on his face.

"Queen's business." he muttered and Lizzie got up.

"It's Lizzie, for the 100th time. Now, please excuse me." she whispered and went back into the house. I glanced at Sebastian who seemed indifferant about the "errands" that needed to be preformed.

"No, not just Queen's business, what is this matter we are dealing with, cousin?" I asked, "And does it need my direct attention tomorrow afternoon, you saw how disappointed Lizze is."

"It's about some fires in the country side. It's not the season for the farmers to be burning their fields, yet whole households are being set aflame out of nowhere and their crops all burnt down." he explained. I frowned and ran my finger across a tiny crack in the table, slowly thinking through what might have happend.

"I have a quick question..." I murmered and Ciel leaned in inquiringly.

"Yes cousin? Anything." he said, almost in a caring tone but one glance at his stoney blue eye and I knew better than to get sympathy. But I didn't want pity, I wanted answers.

"Do you think that....that my family was murdered....everyone always said it was simply a stray spark but we were all inside. And i got free, but do you think it's linked to you and your enemies?" I asked, tears whelling up in my throat but I swallowed them back. Even so, Sebastian leaned over and handed me a hankerchief. I blew my nose gently. Ciel looked away, figetting with his hands and then looked up at Sebastian, as if for answers. I glanced at the butler but he said nothing and gave no interest in the matter.

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