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Matt's POV

I had just got home from football practice. I entered the house when Jasmine ran up to me.
"Have you seen Jack J?" she asked me.
"I haven't seen him since 1st period. why!" I asked, putting my stuff down.
"I've been calling him and he's not answering!" she said.
"Calm down, lets go to his house." I said. She ran outside into the car. I went into the drivers seat and turned on the car. When we got to Jack's block we saw police lights in front of his house.
"Oh no." she said.
"Lets go check it out." I said. I parked the car and turned it off. We got to Jacks front step ad knocked on the door. Shawn answered. He had bloodshot eyes.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Jack got kidnapped." he said to us. Jasmine started crying. I held her in my arms.
"it's ok." I told her.
"What's gonna happen to Jack?" she cried. "I don't know. But he'll be fine." I said. Shawn led us into the living room where Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were on the couch with cops are around them.
"We need to talk to you guys." the police said to me and my sister. We both nodded.

Jasmine's POV

The police talked to me first. They asked me how I became friends with him as if he had any enemies.
Then they interviewed Matt. They asked him why they bullied him and if it was revenge for anything Jack did in the past.
"WAIT!" I said. Everyone looked at me.
"Jack told me that his brother always hated him and wanted to get revenge on jack. And didnt his brother just get released from jail?" I said.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson nodded.
"Jasmine is right. Jeff got released from jail 5 days ago." his mom said.
"Now we might know the kidnapper. Does he have any places he lives?" the police asked.
Mrs. Johnson shook her head. "He always lived here." she told them. The policeman was nodding and writing stuff down. We need to find jack. and fast.

Jack J's POV

I woke up in a bed. My hands were tied together with a rope and I was locked in a little room. I checked my back pocket. Shoot. No phone.
"Hello.?" I said quietly. The door opened.
"Jeff?" I said.
"Hey Nerd." he said with a snicker.
"Why did you kidnap me?" I asked.
"So I can get revenge on you. You're the reason I got in jail." he told me.
"I was 5. You were 16 and robbed a bank. What am I supposed I do?" I said.
"You're gonna be here for a while. I doubt any of your friends will come trying to find you. If you have friends." He said, then left me in the room alone. I untied the rope that tied my hands. Jeff sucks at tying stuff. I looked around the room for a phone. No luck. Then I remembered! Jeff usually hid a phone under the mattress. No luck. 12 years in jail, he probably was planning this. I just laid on the bed and ate some of the chips he left here. I heard the door click. I quickly put the chips bak and out my hands behind my back, so it would look like I was still tied. Jeff walked in.
"Ready for the beating?" he asked.
I shook my head.
"Why? Why can't we just get along?" I said. He just ignored me and started hitting me over and over again.

The Nerd|Jack Johnson| {Discontinued&Currently Being Edited}Where stories live. Discover now