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( Yuki's POV )

I sat down in between Naruto and Sasuke Today. When Iruka sensei comes, it will be the most exciting moment of my life. What today was happening is he was assigning our Teams. To be honest I would be ok on a group with anyone, but mainly I wanted to be on a group with either Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke, or Kiba ( just because Akamaru is Kawaii ).

I turned my head to Naruto only he wasn't in his seat anymore, so when I turned around the only thing I saw was Naruto and Sasuke KISSING! Then I just fell on the floor holding my sides laughing.

" HAHAHAHA! SasuGAY with the next HokaGAY!!!" I yelled between laughs still clutching my sides.

Both boys turned to look at me with WTF looks which only made me laugh even harder, but our ( by that I mean my ) fun was over when I saw a crowd of fangirls cracking their knuckles getting ready to kill. But but before one could throw a punch at Naruto, I caught Sakura' s fist and threw her making her hit the wall roughly. The other fan girls cowered away in fear, then Iruka sensei came into the classroom and everyone took their seats.

" Ok class, today I will be asigning your teams."

" pst, hey Naruto, tell me when they say my team!" I whispered to him and he nodded.

I put my head down on the desk thinking about who I would want on my team. To be honest, I would be ok with almost anyone, but my top options were Hinata, Naruto, Sasuke, and Pinapple head aka Shikamaru.

" ok team 7 consists of Yuki  Kinonzu, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno."

I lifted my head to see Sasuke slightly smirking, Naruto Smiling, and Sakura looking devastated.

" hey Naruto, looks like we're on the same team Ya know!" I said thruphantly.

Naruto blushed and then snapped out of his daze yelling " why does a great ninja like me have to be on a team with that Sasuke!"

" Sasuke has the second best scores in the class, so we put the best with the worst." Iruka sensei stated.

" wait," Sakura stated " then who has the first?"

I spaced out for a little bit playing with my knife, which wasn't a kunai, then stabbed it into the table causing everyone to turn and stare at me with pure fear in their eyes.

"Y Yuki h-has T-T-The best scores" Iruka sensei said shivering in fear from my BlOoDLusT.

Everyone turned to look at me with either amazement or fear. I giggled faintly and looked up with a phyco aura. " that's just great" I stated then threw my knife where I knew the old gramps was spying on us. Ha that's what he gets.

" ok... well your team leaders will be coming in soon, and picking you up from this class"

2 hours later...

we were the last people in the room and our beyond stupid sensei didn't even bother to show up yet. I looked up from the table to see naruto putting an eraser on the door.

" that won't work" Sakura said and Sasuke let out a ' Hn' sound silently agreeing with the pinkette. Suddenly the door opened to reaveal a dude with a mask and gray hair that Defys gravity.

" well my first impression of you guys, you all are idiots"

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