Back In Neverland

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When she saw Hook, Isobel immediately slapped him.
It was his fault that she wasn't in Neverland right now.

"Sorry, Miss Huntleigh." He said, and kissed her hand.

Emma watched confused the act, but Regina just rolled her eyes.
"Greg and Tamara kidnaped my son, can we please do something?"

Isobel remembered Greg and Tamara. They wanted to take her as well, but they didn't dare.

Now Henry was gone.
And she couldn't feel more useless.

She looked in Hook's eyes, with guilt.
"I'm sorry Mr. Jones. It's wasn't nice for me. You just helped me leave Neverland, and for that I would be forever grateful. It was only mine and Pan's fault, mister."

Hook patted her arm, with a sad smile.
"Look, Averly, what happened in the past stays in the past, and it's not wise to always cry about it.
I'm sorry for my mistakes, but if I cry and cry and cry everyday about it, I'm going to miss the future."

Averly felt the cold tears leaving her eyes, and Emma hugged her, patting her head.
"Look, Issy, I'm sorry for everything that ever happened to you. But please, let's focus on saving Henry. Please, help us. You know Neverland better than anyone. If someone can help us, that's surely you."

Isobel nodded.
"Let's save my friend. My brother.
Let's focus only on him. We made Neverland. But he knows we're here, thanks to the storm and all the shit. Let's play smart on this. We find a place to sleep right now, we're all sure as hell tired. When we wake up, we make a plan. I think I remember those places well enough, so it's not a big deal to make a handily map. Hook, can you help me with that?"

Hook grinned. "Aye love"

Averly nodded.
"Perfect. Now let's get the heck out of here." Regina said, moving towards the forest.

Averly couldn't help but remember the time when she arrived in Neverland.
How scared and confused she was.
How much Peter helped her back then.

My Peter.

She shacked her head.
No. Don't let him cross your mind. You need to focus. Focus on saving Henry. This isn't your home anymore. Peter isn't yours anymore.

She bite her bottom lip.

"It's going to be alright, Ave" charming said, patting her shoulder.

"I hope so, Dave." She smiled back, but inside she was slowly dying.

Back In Neverland.

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