There was a young soul who wanted
to cease
her existence, and fade to a realm of peace,
Yet one little string attached to some fabric
kept lonely soul from ending this tragic,
miserable life that caused her much havoc.The one thing she loved was the sensation of flight
Which helped the little soul not roam far from the light,
From aircraft she fell into death's lingering arms
Yet her parachute caught her from fatal harm.Each chance she grasped, she drew nearer to the skies
Away from the world of corruption and lies,
She drowned out her worries as she roared with the wind
Dove from the mountains; thunder shook her within,
She lived for this feeling of freedom and no control,
Flying had filled up a gap in her soul.It was now the time for soul to leave,
She knew it would hurt, her people would grieve
but why did it matter, she wanted to fly,
Out of this world and out of disguise
Poised above the world, she took a step
Soared from the heavens and up from the depths
of her soul, a feeling that surged through her veins was not joy but regret.Troubles were solvable, torment could perish
If only she tried, she could live and cherish
A life that was broken yet the pieces weren't shattered
Her life was a tragedy yet each moment mattered
The thoughts could be beaten from the brain of their host
This pain couldn't heal in the heart of a ghost.With a quivering hand she reached for the string,
But her parachute was gone.Dedicated to TheWattys
The Parachute
PoetryA short poem about regret. This is my first published poem and I hope you like it!