↳ Cutie

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I walk into school as I walk over to my locker to see my cousin Manai and my best friend Li standing there as they smiled at me as I was confused and honestly creeped out.

"Why are y'all smiling so damn hard?"I said as I unlocked my locker

"Nothing really we just know some things"Manai said smiling as she leaned against the locker

"I probably don't wanna know anyways so oh well"I said shrugging as I grabbed my book

"It had something to do with that girl that you like that is two lockers down form you Kehlani, but you know she doesn't want to know come on Manai we should get to class"Li said with a light smirk on her face as her and Manai began to walk off

"I mean y'all can tell me!"I said as I closed my locker catching up to them

"Hm should we tell her?"Manai asked as she looked at Li

"Nah!"They both said in unison as I rolled my eyes as they kept laughing and teasing me

We went to class as I sat down in my desk as I was drawing as I felt like I was being stared at as I lightly lifted my head as I glanced in front of me and seen Kehlani as she grinned and lightly waved as I smiled and waved back.

She grinned before turning back to her friends talking. I swear that girl is so FINE when I say someone is fine I mean it.

I couldn't stop smiling as I began to draw her as class began as Mr Phelps walked in as I grabbed my journal, as I kept thinking of Kehlani.

After class Li and Manai rushed out of class not even waiting on me as I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my things walking out of class.

"Hey! Y/n wait"

I heard as I turned to see Kehlani with that same beautiful smile on her face as my heart began to race as I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Yeah?"I asked with a smile

"I really wanted to tell you that I think you're really cute, and um..sorry I've never done this before but would you mind if I took you out to the carnival on Friday?"She said with a light grin

My heart just exploded I swear.

"I'd love to go out with you"I said with a huge smile on my face

"Really?!"She said smiling sounding excited

"Yeah, let's exchange numbers"I said smiling

She gave me her phone as I gave her mine as we put our numbers in as we exchanged goodbyes before going our separate ways.

I was smiling walking to my next class as I got a text message.

Wifey Lani ‼️🤤:
Hey 😊

That then started a beautiful relationship.

𝐊𝐄𝐇𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐈 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐇 Where stories live. Discover now