Tae finds his boyfriend cheating on him with his best friend. When he runs away he meets a stranger named Jungkook. But what if they aren't strangers and are old childhood friends.
☆ Credits to original artist ☆
Taehyung was currently out of surgery, after being rushed to the hospital, they took his to to operating room.
As he was in his room, Jin's family came rushing into the hospital asking for him. A doctor then lead them to his room. When they got there, Jin's mother broke down crying as Jin comforted her.
"This poor child had to go through such a horrible experience." Jin's mom cried.
That was when Jin looked up to see Taehyung wrapped up in bandages and with a breathing machine. At that moment, when Jin saw Tae like that, he swore to protect him from anything.
After a few hours, Taehyung had finally woke up, but when he didn't see his parents he started to hyperventilate. Jin was in the room and tried to calm him down.
"Hey, little guy your okay, don't cry I'm here for you." Jin said as he began rubbing soothing circles on his back and hugging him.
Jin's mom walked in with a doctor, after they heard Tae's out break. When she saw her son acting like her she couldn't help but to feel proud, as he continued to calm the boy down.
"Hey Taehyung, I'm your moms friend, you're going to be living with us from now on, okay." The said boy only shook his head yes.
"Hi Taehyung , I'm jin and nice to meet you, I'm going to take care of you from now on, okay." Tae again only shook his head as he sniffled.
After about a month in the hospital he was released. They then took him to their house.
"This is your room Tae." Jin told the little boy.
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Jin, then grabbed Taehyung's things and started to put them away. After he was done he turned to Tae. "I'll leave you to get comfortable to this new house." He said and walked out.
Tae's p.o.v
After Jin hyung left I decided to look around the room. I might want to ask for some different decorations. Now that I think about it, this room reminds me of when I first went to kookie's room.
Wait, kookie.
I wonder if I'll ever see him again. I remember we met when I got hurt at the playground, after I fell on a tree root. He was kind enough to help me up and he comforted me as my dad pulled out the splinter. I'm going to miss him a lot.
As I was thinking about my parents I started to cry. I started to remember the memories we had before they died. The more I thought of them, the more tears started to fall. Soon, it turned into streams.
As I was crying I could hear Jin enter the room. "It's going to be okay." He said in a motherly tone, as he hugged me tightly. All I could do was to cry in his arms. "I miss them so much." I cried more. "Shhh, I know how much you miss them, I'm here for you Tae." He said.
I then slowly started to drift off to sleep. I could feel Jin pick me up and tuck me into bed. As he did that he kissed me on the head.
As I was asleep I started to toss and turn in my sleep. I was having a nightmare about the crash. In my sleep I then suddenly started screaming.
"You're worthless, you couldn't even save your loved ones!" I screamed. "You should've been the one to die instead of them, they probably didn't even want such a useless thing as a son!"
"No, it's not true, leave me alone!" I was having an argument with myself. Part of me kept saying those hurtful things, while the other didn't want to believe that. I know it's not true, but I still want to believe it.
I could hear someone rush into the room. When I was screaming, they were trying to wake me up out of my sleep.
"Tae...Tae, wake up!" I finally woke up, as I looked up to see Jin with a worried face. "Tae don't say such horrible things, you know that's not true and it's not your fault." Jin said to me, as I was once again in tears. I cry way to much for my own good. He sat on my bed and started to stroke my head softly.
"I'm sorry for crying so much, I feel pathetic." "Tae you are not pathetic and crying shows that you're still human, it shows you have emotions. Everyone cries at times, it's normal to cry and have these feelings."Jin said to me.
"C-can you s-stay with me." I said, as I sniffled. "Of course Tae." Jin said as he lays on the bed and hugs me tight.
I started to feel sleepy and soon closed my eyes. "Sleep well." Jin hyung said, then went to sleep also.