Within a Minute

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There she was in all her glory and me Devon Ratchette a simple angsty gay teen who has no problem with shouting from the rooftops that yes, in fact, I'm gay and if people have a problem they can go talk to the counselor, or whoever about there pent-up rage about my "lifestyle" I mean how dense can some people be. Well, that would be high School I suppose, but there is always that girl in your school who you just can't stand. Like I get it she probably has a messed up home life where she is expected to do everything her parents say, and if she doesn't she will get her phone taken away. I mean come on we've all been there to an extent I suppose, but that does not mean she needs to be an asshole. 

So you know I was minding my own business one day when suddenly I just have the "need" to go to the bathroom because the history class I'm in blows. I already know all about world war 2. I like to consider myself a history junkie. 

I make my way to the girl's bathroom because again I am bored so I am going to look up different ways I can somehow destroy all the distractions in my life through meditating. Yes, I want to meditate in a bathroom it brings me peace don't judge me. Well, I was going to do that until the door flings open, and I hear crying. For a second I'm like dear God why me, why do I have to be subjected to a crying girl, my only weakness. That is until I hear who is crying and in all her glory is Cleo Peterson the one girl I can't stand. Now I am thinking that yes if I am quiet enough I have a 73% chance of escaping, but me being human thinks otherwise and goes to the girl who is crying.

"Hey Cleo," I say tentatively,"what are you doing in here."

She looks away and wipes the tears that are stained on her face, "crying I guess, but you probably already figured that out, "she laughs out the last part of her sentence.

"Yeah your right I could tell, but some people say I am like really observant when it comes to these things so there is no way you could have escaped my awesome, amazing observant skills," I retort with a cheeky smile on my face.

She giggles, I feel something within me, I was like oh hell no I do not want the "feeling" for a person I happen to loathe.

"Your pretty funny did you know that," she says smiling.

"Yeah I've been told," I reply smirking.

She smiles, I notice her taking a look at my lips while slightly leaning forward. I do the same until her lips connect with mine, and we are kissing.


"yeah Definitely wow," we just laugh together.

Within a Minute #TKBMovieContestWhere stories live. Discover now