A Full Powered Goddess

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3rd POV
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Salem stopped both of the punches with a finger and made the two fly into a blood ocean. They immediately launched out and went for more attacks. Daburu kicked her in the rib, but she didn't move, she grabbed his leg and slammed him into the ground.
Pyrrha was running with Nora and Ren. She then stopped and looked back
Ren: Pyrrha! We have to keep moving
Pyrrha: you go ahead....I'm going to try and help
Nora: Pyrrha you'll die
Pyrrha: if I do....it'll be with the man I love
She ran back towards the fighting
Y/N punched Salem in the face, she barely moved at all, she then punched him in the chest, making him spit up blood and hitting the side of the cliff. Daburu punched her in the back, only making her a step forward, then followed with a backhand, making him slide across the ground. Pyrrha ran over and fired a shot from her spear, catching Salem off guard and leaving her open for Y/N to punch her in the face. She grabbed him and threw him towards Pyrrha.
Y/N: what are you doing here?!
Pyrrha: seems like you needed help
Y/N: I think we're fine
Daburu *distance*: I GOT YOU BITCH *punched in the ribs* AAAAAAAAAAH
Y/N: ok so yeah we need some help
Pyrrha: Daburu said I still have the golden power running through my weapon, I'm going to shoot her, then you guys attack
Y/N: I like that plan
He flew over to Salem as Pyrrha began firing. The bullets hit Salem and Y/N kicks her. Salem's eyes began to glow as she hit Y/N and Daburu without touching them. Y/N opened his eyes and aimed his hand at her
She hit it and strangled Y/N. He punched her, not doing anything, Daburu went in behind and slid under her, making her lose balance.
Daburu: we have to hit hard and fast!
Y/N: I like that plan
Daburu: focus all your energy, be prepared to use all of it, I'll join you
Y/N flew up and waited for when Daburu was ready. Daburu began to do everything in his power to slow her down. Y/N began charging up any excess power he has.
Y/N: come on! Your friends depend on it Y/N, don't let this attack be for nothing.
Dark Aura began coming towards Y/N, entering every opening in his body.
Daburu punched Salem but was immediately floored. Daburu held on to Salem
Daburu: Shokushu
Daburu's arms turned into Tentacles and wrapped around Salem's arms and legs.
Salem: WHAT?!
Daburu: Y/N! NOW!
Y/N launched towards Salem, screaming at the same time. He then punched her, sliding her across the ground until finally unleashing an explosion putting her through a cliff, making her lose her full power.
Salem: w-what?
Y/N looked down at her. He then spit in her face.
Y/N: this is over!
She put his hand on his chest and blasted him away.
Daburu: well then.....fuck it..... Terepōto
He teleported behind Salem and held her.
Salem: NO!
Y/N looked over
Pyrrha: DABURU!
Daburu: Y/N! Take your lady and get out of here, come back if you're interested in being a king
Y/N: what?!
Daburu: you heard me.....with me out of the way you'll have all the power you need
Y/N: Daburu don't do this
Daburu: it's the only way
Pyrrha's eyes began to water
Salem: NOOO!
Daburu:..... Jiko hakai
Daburu turned orange, Salem's skin began to burn.
Daburu: Good bye my friend
Y/N nodded and flew down to Pyrrha and picked her up, he then flew as fast as he could to grab Nora and Ren and flew out. Daburu began screaming as his skin heated up, creating a massive explosion reaching across the edges of the Underworld, burning up everything.

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