If She Believes

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"You see Hook... If she believes in me... And neverland..... She could come with me any day she wants, bloody hell she could come with me now.... So darling..... Would you like to join me and of course the lost Boys?" Pan says as he looks you in the eye. You look at your father who has a very pissed look on his face then back to Peter all you could do was shrug your shoulders.  "alright darling... but remember if you ever need me just-" "I know Peter just call for the shadow" you say smiling widely and Pan gladly smiles back.

"Hook...  Remember your darling daughter knows how to contact me any day... " "yes I know that now get off my ship before I knock you off it" your father says with a stern look.

"Goodbye love...  I hope I'll see you soon?" Pan looks at you with hope in his eyes "yes Peter I'll see you soon" you say and you walk over to him and and make grabby hands so he can pick you up "I promise you'll see me again soon" and you kissed his cheek and watched as his cheeks turned pink which made you giggle

He sat you down which made you run and climb to the top of the ship. "Bye for now Hook" Pan says with a smirk and all your father did was growl

As Pan was leaving he flew up to you and said "you know what to do if he hurts you right?" he says as he looks you in the eye "yes Peter I know" this makes him smile "well I got to get going love bye" he says as he kisses your cheek back "bye Peter" and with that he flew off back to Neverland

"Y/n... Forget that demon" "but why" "cause I said now off to bed"

Welp I hope y/n will make a good choice and go with Peter until next time loves 😘

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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