Ch. 19

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I ran up the stone steps to Amaad’s quarters. I had just experienced the best feeling in the world.

I had kissed my crush.

Yes, I, Kyle Sheldon Farcher, had (finally) kissed Julia Alicia Roberts, the girl I’ve been crushing on since forever.

I didn’t know what had come over me at that particular moment. Maybe it was the feeling that I would never see her again. Maybe it was just all the built up emotions being released in such a way. No one will ever know.

When I had kissed her, it was like nothing else mattered. The world around me seemed to disappear, and the church bells seemed to be ringing in my head. Or maybe that was my brain knocking around in there telling me “Really? You’re in a moment of complete distress over your father and your brother, and you chose to kiss her NOW?”

Well, my body seemed to disagree. Because it stayed put. I don’t even remember half of it. All I remember was the warm feeling and the sparks flying.

Anyway, I was glad Julia didn’t pull back. I was even happier that she kissed back. It was magic, I tell you.

I was faintly aware that Drake and David were watching. I wasn’t too worried about David watching. He’s lived with Hugh long enough to not even be fazed by this. But Drake, on the other hand, was beet red. This only made me want to continue kissing her longer. Take that Drake!

“Ahem.” Drake interrupted.

Julia and I separated. But I hesitated a moment longer, staring into those beautiful, blue eyes. I desperately wanted to continue the kissing, but I knew I had to get on with the mission.

“Don’t worry, Julia. I’ll be fine. Just get my little brother out of here.” I told her, whispering slightly.

She nodded. “Alright Kyle. I’ll get David out of here. Oh, and Drake too.”

I smiled at her once again. I kept getting a nagging feeling that this would be the last time I would smile at her and her at me, but I ignored the feeling.

I turned around and raced upstairs to counter Amaad.


When I reached Amaad’s room, I hesitated before going in, choosing instead to listen in on the conversation that was being held in the room.

“Leave me and my family alone, Amaad!” my dad practically yelled.

Amaad laughed menacingly. “So what? All of a sudden you’re super dad now that you’re sons are in imminent danger? You didn’t seem to care about them before.”


“Leaving your children like that, George. Tsk, tsk. I’m surprised the older one actually tried to protect you.”

“I said SHUT-UP! Go back to Hell where you belong!”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, Georgie. I’ve got work to do. I’m going to outlive all of those stupid country officers who kicked me out. I’m going to take over one of the more powerful countries, say the USA or Britain? Then I’m going to take over the world, one country at a time! And you and your pathetic sons aren’t going to stop me!”


The sound of a gunshot and a cry of pain echoed through the cavern.

“Dad!” I yelled and burst into the room to find my father lying on the ground, clutching a bleeding shoulder. Amaad had his gun trained onto my dad.

I ran and jumped in front of Amaad’s line of shot.

Amaad pulled his gun back and smirked at me.

“Well, well, well. It seems your son still has faith in you, George. I’m impressed. I wouldn’t have given my father a second glance if HE had deserted me and my little brother.”

“Well, I’m not heartless like you.” I growled up at the man.

He grinned. “Hey, everyone has their little quirks, right?”

Suddenly, Julia ran into the room, followed by Drake.

“Julia!” I said.

“Kyle!” she responded.

“Yeah, I’m here too.” Drake said with annoyance.

“Well, this just keeps getting better every minute!” Amaad said with glee. “All my victims are literally showing up at my doorstep!” He laughed, then once again pointed the gun at George. “Well, George, it seems like this is the end. If your son has to die at the same time, so be it. I was going to kill him anyway. You’re lucky I intentionally kept you alive, George. But I don’t think I’m going to be so nice this time. This shot is going to be for the kill.”

“You’re a rotten, seething, twisted, evil monster of hell.” My dad told the villian.

He smirked. “I think I can live with that.” He cocked the gun, and prepared to shoot at us.

“No!” called out David’s voice. I didn’t even hear him come in. He rushed to mine and our dad’s side.

Amaad stopped. He glared at David, and then smirked evilly once again. “On second thought, Georgie, I’ll let you live with the guilt that you couldn’t in fact save the son you never knew.”

Amaad quickly grabbed David and pulled him up. I quickly got up and reached out to my brother, but Amaad pointed his gun at me, and then to Julia and Drake, who had started to come forward. “Don’t you dare.”

We stopped our confrontation.

“Amaad. Leave my brother alone.” I told him.

“Take me instead.” My dad added.

Amaad threw his head back and laughed. “I love all the ways you people try to get me NOT to kill him. But those ploys won’t work.”

He threw David to the ground and aimed the gun at him. “Say good-bye to your family and friends, David.”

But before Amaad could shoot, I began running to intervene, but Julia was faster.

She shoved me to the ground and jumped in front of the frightened David.

The gun shot its bullet.

And Julia fell to the ground, blood immediately starting to flow.

“Julia!” Drake and I screamed simultaneously.

Julia was dead.

More angry than ever, I tackled Amaad, shoving him to the ground and punching his face as hard as I could.

I was being foolish. Amaad could kill me any moment, but I didn’t care. He had just killed my best friend, my crush, and possibly my girlfriend.

Not only that, but this release was for a lot more as well. He had kidnapped my brother, forced my father to inject him with a pain inducing drug, and locking up Drake and I to be possibly used as slaves. And those were only a few reasons why I was mad at him.

Amaad and I started wrestling, rolling around on the floor. I could vaguely see out of the corner of my eye Drake and David trying to care for my dad and Julia. I think Bobby and another little girl were there, but I didn’t remember. Nor did I care. Julia was dead. Now Amaad had to die.

And I was going to be the one to kill him, no matter what it took.

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