Current Day Pt.2

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"Let me start from the beginning. My name is Mary Woodsman and your fathers name was Drake Woodsman. You are our son, Daniel Woodsman and were born here in Thornhill, Ontario on July 5th, 1997. You have a younger sister named Elise, and she's 18 years of age. This is the house where you grew up in, but you don't remember any of this because of that accident..."

Mary stops to take in a deep breath before speaking again, "When you were younger, around the age of 10, we were all headed to Niagara Falls for a small vacation. While we were headed home from the trip, around 10:00pm, we were involved in a car crash. It happened so suddenly, the other car came from nowhere.

All I remember is the other car hitting your father's side on the left and our car rolling over multiple times. I can still hear your screams, I will never forget them. Your father...he did not survive the crash, he died upon impact but the rest of us did. However, you lost your memory of the previous years due to hitting your head across the ledge of the window. The doctor said the damage was irreversible; you would not be able to gain your memory back, ever.

At first Elise and I were devastated but later on we found out that the crash was no accident, it was a planned attack. Someone was trying to harm our family deliberately, and they managed to kill your father. I realized it was better for you to have no connection with us, as a way to protect you from the men who hurt your father. I decided, with a heavy heart, to give you to the care of another family as that would be the best for you.

They would take you somewhere else, and give you another life, away from this danger. There was a family that worked for us, a husband and wife who were not able to have children, named Nancy and Mark Rosewood. They were a very sweet couple, kind and nurturing and we trusted them wholeheartedly, that is why we gave you to their care. I remember telling them to take great care of you and to under no circumstances let you know of us, but I see that promise was broken. However, I am glad I get to see my son again." My mother speaks calmly, maintaining eye contact with me.

"Mother...they're dead. My parents, I mean the family you gave me to, they passed away. They were involved in a car crash about a year ago, which is when I found out they weren't my real parents. I saw the letter I just gave you and managed to track down a few families my parents worked for or knew, and you were the last house on my list. I-I don't know what to think right now, or what to say. I'm just so overwhelmed. I can't believe this is where I actually live, that you're my real mother." I state as another round of fresh tears prick at my eyes.

"For the past year, I have been going from home to home, from people to people, in search for my real family. I thought-I thought I would never find you. This whole year has been so tiring, I just want to lie down and shut my brain off. I wish that accident never happened! I don't even remember any of you! I-I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't be screaming at you, I know it's not your fault and I understand why you did what you did. I might not remember anything from my past but I would like to make some new memories with you, if that's alright?"

I speak hoarsely, keeping my eyes trained to the ground when I feel Mary's hold on my hands tighten. Right before she answers my question; I hear a new voice, followed by footsteps. "Mom? Who was at the door?" speaks a feminine voice. The owner of the voice soon comes into the living room and I realize instantly it's my sister, Elise. I see her glance at Mary, then at me, and watch as she stands there frozen, trying to comprehend the scene unfolding in front of her.

"Elise, this is Daniel, your brother. He's back and he's here to stay." Mary speaks cautiously, waiting for Elise's reaction. Elise is wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans paired with a high pony tail, her brown hair tied up tightly. She has a round face, with big brown eyes. I see she got her features from our father. Elise slowly takes a step forward and takes in my appearance, memory flashing through her eyes. "Daniel? Is it really you? Oh my god! It is!" She exclaims and runs up to me to engulf me into a tight embrace. I instantly fall back into the sofa from the sudden impact and feel my shoulder dampen from her tears. I immediately grab onto Elise, not wanting this moment to end.

"Elise, it is me, Daniel. Please don't cry, I won't be going anywhere from now on, I promise. I'm here to stay." And with that my mother joins in on the hug. I instantly feel a flush of warmth and a sudden feeling of joy fills my senses. I haven't felt this content for so long, the sensation feels strange to me. As I inhale deeply, I realize I have found my true identity, my true self.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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