Chapter 29: Don't hate the player hate the game

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I had managed to get my nose broken along with several cuts on my lower lip and forehead. 

Damian was a mean tackler, I later found out he was a wrestler and had been studying at a boarding school out of town.

He had just transferred here after playing state, he was the second son to the richest family in town.

He met Kea during a sports camp that was held at his boarding school and had been Kea's on again off again boyfriend for two years. They had broken up when Kea came to New York but their status was unknown for the whole while I had been in town with Kea.

I had given Damian a black eye and a dislocated shoulder, I wasn't at my best but I had still managed to inflict some serious damage that I couldn't say was too shabby.

But after I had gone full Hulk on Damian in Kea's home. I had stirred clear of them both even though they were always together

I got my classes that were with Kea changed and the ones I couldn't change, I bunked.

The talking and rumours slowly died out, it had been a month since the fight and Colin had been coming to stay with me every other weekend. My hand was now all better and with a few more days of physiotherapy, I was going to be allowed to play again.

I tried not think about what Kea was doing and I had stopped feeling guilty for what I had done to her considering she was two-timing me the whole time.

I had been played and I had accepted it the best I could.

By swearing off the player and the game.

I was still in love with her and every time I saw the bastards hand around her or them together in the corridors I wanted to turn green all over again.

I had gone back to my old ways just to tick Kea off even though I knew she didn't give too many fucks. I grabbed a new girl each day and fooled around. I was gaining my New York reputation back and the news about Kea and me slowly became a thing of the past.

Kea came and left with Damian, no sign of Vixen and I was beginning to miss her.

I wondered if there was any of my old Kea left in the girl that was roaming the halls of this school.

There was no life in her, no spark in her eyes when she smiled, no humour, no anger, no fight.

Damian was in every class Kea had. He spoke for her, walked her, drove her, brought her food. No guy had the guts to cross Damian, not enough to get to Kea anyway.

Lucas, however, had an all-access pass to Kea. But he didn't use it much.

He seemed to hate the guy almost as much as me.

My fitness training had started and since I had missed the first few tournaments I had to work extra hard to rebuild my strength and get back on top.

Holidays were going to start in a month and I couldn't wait to get away from the city that had, taken from me as much as it had given.

Colin had some major work in New York so I was going to crash with him before he took official leave and flew with me as far as the sky would allow the jet to go.

All I had to do was get through this last month without punching, killing or getting expelled, which wasn't going to be too hard cause I was going to be in practice eighty per cent of the time and even if I got detention I didn't have to worry because the new Kea never got detention.

English was the only class I had left with her and the few times I attended, she just sat quietly next to Damian and stared straight ahead or out of the window, I wasn't even sure she was listening to anything the teacher went on about. Mr Markel still found it weird that Kea wasn't fighting him on the subject she always had so many opinions on, he sometimes would even bring up her favourite topics to debate upon to get her attention but she was always too dazed to care, he tried for a long time, calling on her after class, speaking to her, when nothing changed. 

He just tried every now and then. He even brought up the debate about feminist views behind Georgian literature just to see if she was even listening. 

But nothing. 

Eventually he gave up.

I had given up, the minute she called Damian her boyfriend. 


I'm trying to be more regular with my writing and am trying my best to get back on track, I hope you haven't given up faith in this story.


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