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Dekisugi have been constantly thinking of him and this has been going on since they meet ..

He has no idea when it started but he doesn't know if he can hide this feeling anymore ..

Today will be their first day of high school while he knows nobita will be late like always. .he still can't wait to see him...

He start waking its still sometimes before school started. Thought getting there earlier won't really changed anything.

Nobita walked slowly to his seat so the teach won't find out he was late but...

"NOBITA YOU ARE LATE AGAIN? HAHAHA" Sunio said and everyone started laughing along with him only one person was not laughing and he was seriously ready to break sunio's face for making fun of nobita ...

"Today is the first day and you are late?"

"Sorry teacher"

"Its ok but don't do it again ok i will let you go this time as its your first day" the teacher said his name was mr.yamato..

Nobita take his seat and look out the window..

This whole time two eyes were watching his every move with a hint of adoration and happiness in them...


"Sizuka i love you will you be my girlfriend" nobita said to sizuka his long time crush... in front of everybody in the cafeteria..

"Nobita i..I'm very sorry but i can't I'm already in love with someone else" Sizuka said with sympathy for nobita. .

"Ooh i see" nobita said trying to smile but failing miserably.. and ran off before his tears came out..

Dekisugi saw all this he want to help nobita but didn't know what to do. His confession did hurt and made him realise if sizuka won't take care of nobita. Then.. he would. He got up to follow nobita but he was late. He can't find him in the whole shcool...

Main while..

Nobita can't think straight he run until he no longer know where he was ... until the pain gose away...

Until he was in front of his house. ..

He use bambu copter to get to his room. He knows if he gose from the front door his mom will rost him alive for ditching shcool ...

He took the corner of his room and cry. Until he can no longer think about the horrible rejection. From his first love ...

Doremon open the door to nobita's room. He just gotten back from shopping. Before he can look in the room a big ball of human size boy jump on him and started crying his eyes out. Telling doremon about how he got rejected by sizuka today. How he doesn't have anything to live for anymore. .

"What! How is that possible. ..wait you mean i think. ." Doremon was confused. How can the future change. After all he had make it so that sizuka and nobita be a happy couple. ..

Doremon take out his future seeing gadget to see what happens to future of nobita to be turn out this way...

"Doremon you think my future changed?" Nobita ask his best friend...

"That's a possibility nobita as it changes even from the simplest of resones. We just have to find out what has changed to make her rejecte you. Maybe she will except you later. Let's see what happens or change in my future seeing device" doremon said and started working on his device to see nobita's future...

{The seen below is in( I) italic is the future}

"Honey where are you?" A voice call out to the future nobita who was cooking food...

"In the kitchen go take a bath before coming down you here me or you will be sleeping on the floor " nobita said annoyed with a little smile on his face.

"Awww baby don't do that i will take a bath now but can i get a kiss first" hands came from behind nobita and huge him to a chest with love and a mouth whispered in his ears this lines...

"Who are you calling baby I'm a guy and no no kisses until you brush your teeth. ."

"Aww baby you know you love it when i call you baby and you can kiss my check insted you know honey" the guy smirk..

"Youu.... ahh why do I bother with you" nobita said and push the guy to turn off the gas..

"Because you love me honey now Come on na please honey just one kiss on the check then i will go i promise" the guy said..whine depends on how you want to look at it ..

"Ahh... ok but just one okey"

The guy nodded his head while smiling...

Nobita learn forward to kiss on the check but at the last seconds the guy change the potions of his face nobita's lips landed on his and he deepen the kiss... he kiss nobita passionately and then quickly run off in the direction of the bathroom before nobita could hit him for taking advantage of the situation ..

(End of the future)

Nobita was speechless he don't know what to think. ..anymore. ..

"Hey nobita you ok ? Come on you actually look happy with that guy so no need to worry nah and he kinda actually looks familiar...where have i seen him?"
Doremon said thinking about possible placeses he could have seen the guy..

"Doremon are you serious? I am gay and in a relationship with a guy and actually happy about it? I... just leave me alone .."

"Doremon is nobita up there his friend is here to gave his bag back " nobita's mom yell she can't believe he skip school again...

"Please don't scroled him aunty. It's not his fult. It was me who take his bag as we where plying a game. He forgot to take it back.." dekisugi smile at nobita's mom and explained. ..

"Ah ok dekisugi you are a really good friend. .nobita take your bag and take him to your room i will bring the snacks" nobita's mom said but dekisugi interrupted her ..

"It's ok aunty i have homework to do but i will be back when I can thank you so much for having me here. "

"Such good manners its ok dekisugi nobita thanks him for bring your bag back"

"You... ok mom thanks for bringing my bag for me dekisugi" nobita said a little embarrass...

"Its ok see you nobita" dekisugi smiled at nobita..and walkout the door. .

"NOBITA...." his mom's lecture started ..😈
....x .....

"Dekisugi looks like that guy" doremon said a little while later to himself but he decided to keep it to himself as dekisugi's involvement can really help nobita after all he is a star student ..

So here is my first try at my childhood cartoon fanfiction i seriously can't take it anymore so I finally put it all out of my system so tell me if you like it or want me to continue doremon plus boylove my dream come true...😍

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