Dates and Romance and Confessions

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The outing went well and Jackson wanted to plan our next meet up. As days goes by, months goes by, we meet up like nearly everyday as if we have nothing to do at all. We went for swimming, watch the latest movie, we even went on a trip together. To be honest, I say that it was the best day of my life especially with him, it gets even more cheery. But I often get concerned about him as he always talks to me oh his depression, people making fun or humiliate him. It saddens me to hear all these especially when his parent is always not around. He did talk to his parent about going out as a family especially on public holiday but it seems his parent neglected him. He may be older but as the only child in the family, I can see that he longs for love from his parent. I always be there for him and I always will. Whenever we're not going out, we always chat or video call each other. It's as if its already our thing, constantly chatting if we're not going out, and if we have time, we'll go hanging out.

One day, he didn't reply my message so I figured something came up, got him busy because I too sometimes forgot to reply him back due to assignments but Jackson understands as he finished his Law studies and now in a break season. Day two, three, four and the day goes on, he still hasn't reply and I got even more worried for him. I called him once, twice but no answer and I started to panic on the inside. What frustrates me the most is that I can't go to him because I don't know his whereabouts. I keep texting and calling him but still no reply. Two weeks pass and no reply still. I couldn't sleep nor eat in those week. I was drinking a cup of warm chocolate outside my campus when suddenly someone hug me from the back. 

I turned around and it was him. He was standing right in front of me. I was in pure shock and happy at the same time like no words came out from my mouth. I just gaped and still staring at him but something looks different about him. He looks pale and weak yet he can smile just like he always did. I was worried sick that I just jump on him and hugged him as if he will disappear in any moment, which he did. He hugged back and I started crying. He shushes me, constantly rubbing my back in comfort, calming my raging heartbeat. Once I was calm, I asked him where he was and why he hasn't text back or call and well, my mouth hasn't stop talking for the past 3 minutes. He calms me down again, and told that he wasn't feeling well and that he has to visit the hospital. Yes, he said hospital instead of the clinic. I knew that it sounds serious when he mentioned hospital. 

Then I started asking tons of questions like a paranoid mother looking after her small son. He laughed and told me it was nothing, just a constant check-up and the doctor wouldn't let him touch the phone as he needs to rest. Before I could even open my mouth, he keeps convincing me that it was nothing and that he is fine now. I wasn't actually convinced that he is fine. Out of the blue he asked me whether he can take me to a place. I asked, of course, where is that place but he wanted to keep it as a surprise so I said sure. I went to his car and we drove. I keep asking him 'are we there yet' as the journey to this unknown destination is getting boring. Around 20 minutes so, we arrived. I looked around my surroundings and I notice we're on a hill where we can see the small city and behind us is just the road. Jackson told me to just sit in the car. We sat in silence around 15 minutes and Jackson started talking. 

"This is where I'll always come whenever I'm lonely or needed think." The view is breathtaking especially with the sunsets. I can see why he chose this place. He claims that he has no one even though he made a lot of friends and always so friendly, no one actually knew about the pain he's going through. People just think that he's a person that has no issues in the world. But to me, I know what he's trying to say. A smile hides a thousand pain where no one will even notice. Every time we hung out, I always caught him looking at parent smiling with their kids, talking to their teenage son to choose what clothes he likes and try it out and I can tell he was very upset that he was unable to do that with his parent. 

I see sadness and jealousy and pain in his eyes. Sometimes he nearly tears up but managed to control himself. I'm not blind. I clearly can see those pain in him. He knew he doesn't have to explain himself. He knew that I understand him. Then that was it. He broke down. All these time, he held back his emotions and now, he lost it. I didn't say anything but I unbuckle my seatbelt and hug him. He accepted my hug immediately and hugged even tighter as if I would run away or something. He cried and cried and I just keep comforting him, rubbing his back in comfort to calm him down. I told him to let it all out. 20 minutes pass, Jackson stopped crying but I could still hear his hiccups and sniffs. When he managed to calm himself, he did one thing that shock my entire world. 

He kissed me. On the lips. I was stunned as like really stun until I didn't move until his lip left mine. He then looked at me, saying thank you for being there for him the whole time. I was still shocked with his action and my words is just 'You're welcome?', with the question mark in the end. Jackson just smiled and said something that really shook my entire world ten times more than just now. "I fell for you." I just stare at him dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say. He just smiles and peck me on the lip. Immediately I just felt happy, like really happy that I want to jump on him but I couldn't due to some circumstances. Jackson then asked whether he could go out with me on a date. Yes, at the end of his word, he said 'date'. I was again shocked. I was happy and said yes, just like that and he was happy. 

Just like that, we prepared ourselves for our date. Jackson knew I'm not the flower and chocolate type of girl so he took me for a movie instead. An action movie, not a romance movie. We enjoyed each other's company and it made me even more happier that I was able to make him happy. It's the best moments ever. Ever since then, he keeps asking me out day after another and I never said no. I love his company and I liked him even more as I spent more time with him. Like every girl, it's like a dream come true but every dream has a nightmare. 

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