four ;

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chaey's pov.

*sigh* Finally I'm done with the interview.

That was exhausting but a mixed of fun....I guess?

Chanyeol sure is amazing, though.

"Hey unnie!~ How was the interview with EXO?" Lisa popped out of nowhere. Well, I was on my way to the bathroom.

"Aye~ It was good."

"How was your interview with EXO?" she asked

"It was great! Oh, and who's your bias there, again?" I asked.

"Oh, its Sehun and Kai." she cheerfully answered.

"Why do you always pick the maknaes of the groups?"

"Um, hello...? They're cuties and handsome~!" she replied following me to the bathroom. "How about you, who's your bias?"

"Chanyeol...maybe?" I said while we enter the bathroom

"Ooh~ Chanyeol!" Lisa started teasing me.

"Shh...shut up, keep your voice down, kid." I scolded and put my index finger on my mouth.

After we were done in the bathroom, we exited the Company building and decided to go to our favorite restaurant.

I'm the one who's driving, of course.

We arrived at the restaurant and ordered some snacks.

Lisa was looking for a vacant area to sit in and I was the one in the queue.

Ugh! too many humans in here...

Yes! I'm next! I just need to wait for this guy in front of me to finish his order.

"That's all thank you~!" the guy said.

Wow his voice familiar...

"Thanks for coming, sir! Have a nice day!" the cashier said as he handed him his order. Well, it's a take out for him.

He turned back and made his way to the exit, which was behind the queue. He walked passed by me but a thing fell from his arms.

I picked it up and tried to call him.

"Sir! you drop your wallet!" I shouted but he can't hear me. He is wearing headphones, how can he hear me? His face is covered with a mask, how can I recognize him? Oh, and black shades.

Aish! I'll keep his wallet for now, but I'll hand it over to him someday.

I ordered our snacks and went to the table where Lisa is sitting. I sat in front of her and we started talking and of course, eat.

After eating we went home.

Yay! rest day! It's my day off tomorrow. So I'll be resting. It's been a tired day, ya know?

I remembered the wallet a while ago. I examined the appearance of it for seconds.

"If only, your owner is not stupid enough to drop you!" I talked with the wallet

I opened the wallet to see if there are any IDs here or phone number to call this stupid wallet owner.

I found too many IDs and ATMs. Um,its around ten...I guess and wtf?! he's rich, a lot of money d00d!

Hey I won't steal.

I look at one ID and


It's Park Jimin's wallet!

jimin's pov.

Where the hell is my fucking wallet?!

"Hyung, did you saw my wallet?" I asked Namjoon hyung who is currently done washing the dishes.

"Nope. Maybe you misplaced it." he answered and walked away.

Ah shit!

end of chapter.


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