A Lull in The Sea

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** This is a new series Im starting that Im pretty excited about! I just finished my spring semester in college so I am free for the summer to work on this book. Just a small note this book will definitely not have grade A grammar but, I will try my best to improve and post once a week.**

**Comment, Vote and Fan to let me know how you like the story so far :)**




A groan escapes your mouth as you feel the back of your head throbbing severely. Observing your environment, you find yourself stuck in a dimly lit room with the door cracked open. You consciously get up and walk outside the room to be completely surrounded by an empty hallway that ends in darkness.

'H-Hello?' you fearfully call out, hoping that someone could help you. The moaning of the building is the response you hear as it fades back to complete silence. You take a deep breath looking for a way out and see a brightly lit red sign that read "EXIT".

'Where the hell am I?'.... You start walking towards the exit quickly as you just want to leave this creepy place.

'And where do you think you're going?' a deep voices echoes behind you. You don't stop walking, you pick up your pace while you tilt your head back to catch a glimpse of Bright golden eyes sneering at you. The tall figure emerges from the darkness down the hallway taking long strides towards you. You start to run down the hallway as the throbbing sensation in the back of your head starts to intensify.

You get to the exit door and try to push it open and it doesn't budge. You start to panic as the towering man with a cynical smile starts is getting closer to you. You push with all your strength trying to get the door open; slamming against the door constantly as you feel a growing pain erupt through your arm.

You slide down the door with tears blinding your eyesight whimpering softly, 'Please go away, please go away, this has to be a dream' as the pain starts to intensify even more. You feel a breeze against your cheeks and peak through your fingers. Sighing a little as the unsettling man had vanished.

'Your mine now princess of light' feeling hot breath go down your shoulder. You quickly turn around to be met with those same chilling eyes as the tan man with silver hair grabs you by the throat, descending you both into pool of darkness.

You scream loudly jolting out of bed, looking around to see that you are still safely in your room. Ripping off the bed sheets you run to the restroom to look at your neck. Gasping softly, you notice a faint pinkish/purple bruise on your neck, lifting your hand to touch it and a sharp pain shoots through your head making you cry out softly. "This is just after affects from the dream I'm fine", you quietly say to yourself as you walk into the bedroom to see your alarm clock reads 5:45 A.M.

"[Name]! It's time to wake up honey, we have to make sure you're at the airport on time", you hear your mother call out.

"Yeah mom I'm awake don't worry!", you say back to her as you walk back to the bathroom to turn on the shower. 'At least I have my trip to look forward to this summer', you say to yourself as you shed your clothes letting the hot water envelope your aching body.




You finish putting on your pink high tops and get up to make sure that you have everything you need for your four-month trip. "Where is my-", stop mid-sentence finding you light iridescent crystal necklace next to your phone. You sigh putting the neck lace on and grab all the luggage and your back pack looking one more time at your room before closing the door.

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