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"Mom, why is it so cold? It's not even winter yet!" Henry asked me. He's right. It has been really cold. My first suspect is Regina. She told me she would get back at me for reuniting her boyfriend, RobinHood with his wife when me and Hook fell in Zelena's time portal and got sucked into the past. She wants to get revenge. That's Regina for you. My second suspect is Gold. He is the only other person in the town who could do something this powerful. Oh look! It's snowing in July! Haha. " this is bad." Henry said. "Your right kid." "No mom, look!" He pointed at the window. There, down the street was a fresh, cold path of ice. "What is that kid?" "Something bad"

"I wonder how Emma is handling this weather." Mary Margret said as she cradled Neal in her arms. " I don't know. Maybe we should meet up with her later." David replied as he started dialing Emma's number on his phone as he noticed a gleaming coming from the window. "What the heck is that?" He asked. "You see it to?" Mary Margret said. "Yeah and it doesn't look like something good."

By now, all of town started seeing the ice and started panicking. David and I were running up and down the allys telling everyone to meet at the Town Hall. "David! Over here!" Ruby yelled. David and I ran over to Ruby. " Everyone is panicking! They want to leave town!" She said in a panicked voice. " Zelena's monkeys no longer exists but whoever or whatever is doing this might have something to block us from leaving." David said. " Then we have to get to the town line first" I said. Then we ran to the town line hoping not to lose anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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