stutter{ zonah.}

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plot: zach has a small stutter problem, his mom and dad , but his mom especially hates when he stutters but jonah is there to help him💛

plot: zach has a small stutter problem, his mom and dad , but his mom especially hates when he stutters but jonah is there to help him💛

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"I JUST SAID STOP STUTTERING YOU ANNOYING LITTLE TWERP!" zach's mom yells as she chases after him around the table.

" I-I'm S-s-sorry momma." He says softly as he keeps running away from her.

" If you're sorry, why the hell do you keep stuttering? HUH!? ANSWER ME BOY!" She still yells as she suddenly grabs zach's burgundy/ red shirt and throw him onto the ground.

" I said stop stuttering.."

Zach just nods his head and wipes his tears, while he sits up on his elbows and softly whimpers from behind scared. His mom just walks away pissed and heads right upstairs slamming the door.

*14 minutes later*

Zach softly and quietly gets up grabbing all his belongings as he walks out the house with a scar on his neck with a bruised left eye.

" Oh my Gosh! Zach baby what the hell happened!? "Jonah runs over to zach like a worried dad, and picks him up in his big arms carrying him to Jonah's house.

" N-no baby..S-she..abused m-me o-on my n-neck and it hurt so b-bad." Zach whimpers while he sits on Jonah's lap at his older boyfriends house.

" It's okay baby, breathe for me, okay?" Jonah says and holds his small waist and looks up at him with his hat on. Zach nods and bites his soft lips.

" I'll make sure it won't happen again because you can stay at my house as long as you want." Jonah says and kisses Zach's lips as he nods and cuddles up against Jonah in their favorite burgundy cover.

" I love you Jownah." Zach says and kisses his lips once more and falls asleep in his chest.

" I love you more babyboy, sweet dreams." Jonah says and kisses his boyfriends small head, as they drift asleep.

{ made= may 23rd, 2018💞}

credit:{ Zonahfandom ✨}

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