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I feel my face flush only know realizing what she did, what I Did.

I can't even apologize because with both did it so I stick my head in my hands.

"What's wrong Jaren. Did I do something." She ask considering what she could have done.

"N-nothing, you did nothing, nothing wrong anyway.." I say my voice small and weak trying not to let it break.

"Was it because I kissed your cheek? I'm sorry.." She apologized?

"N-no don't apologize!" I say uncovering my face.

"I liked it! It's just I didn't realize what was happening till after and I had like a mini panic attach!" I say probably to quickly for her to understand.

"Oh.." She giggles.

"I've made a fool of myself by this point I'm yelling all this in the middle of a busy mall food court.
Infront of an amazing, beautiful girl who I couldn't possibly imagine liking me back!" I feel my face go hot realizing that I yelled that outloud.

I feel like I fucking idiot so I just slam my head on the food court table. I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"I-I s-said t-t-that outloud h-huh..." I quickly feel the tears run down my face in embarrassment.

"Jaren don't cry.." She cooes.

I do this often when I make a fool out of myself and I take prescribed medication to help me not freak out and have panic attaches and make it so I'm not a crying mess.

I didn't take my pills today. John rushed me out the door.

I feel like a idiot I look like an idiot and I don't wanna be here.

I get up to run off.

Her small hand wraps around my wrist, I look back and see her worried eyes.

I try to pull away but she just wraps her arms around my waist.

"Jaren calm down...please..." She hushes.

My ears pounds and she grabs her stuff and holds my hand as we walk back to the car.

I try my best to avoid people's gazes but fail when a guy starts laugh and commenting on how big of a pussy I'm being.

"Hey listen I'm sorry that he's a real person and shows his feelings unlike you heartless pricks!" Haley snaps it catches me off guard when she yelled like that.

"Come on.." She walks with me an arm now wrapped around my waist.

We eventually make it to the car and she takes the keys and puts the stuff into the back.

I take my seat on the passenger side.

She then begins to drive the opposite direction of the house.

"H-Haley.." I say quietly.

"I know... Trust me..."


I feel like dieing we've been in the car for thirty minutes and she hasn't said anything since we left the mall.

"We're here.." She says softly.

I look up and see were we are.
The forest.

"I wanna show you something.." She says getting out.

I follow her actions and she locks the car.

She then begins to walk down a trail.

I follow close behind then she starts down a smaller trail soon leaving it all together.

She turns around and tell me to close my eyes.

I do and she leads me.

"Okay open."

I open my eyes and gah at the sight.

The waterfall is right on the side of a cliff the sound of the soft water is soothing. Almost enchanting.

"I come here when I'm upset..."

"It's beautiful.." I huff

"I knew you'd like it" she smiles.

She lays down on the fresh green grass.

I sit beside her looking in ahh at the sight of the trees that droop over the top of the falls. And the sparkle of the water as it fades to mist. I lay down and look up into the sky.

The bright blue sky. Not a cloud in sight.

I feel her lay her head on my chest her one hand playing with my hair and the other rest across my stomach.

I tense up then slowly get comfortable I wrap my arm around her waist and with the ithe hold her hand in mine.

I feel my nerves calm and my heart slow its pase. I can't help but feel safe,
And loved.

I'm in love with her. I really am and I'm not ashamed to admit that.



"I'm tired.." She yawns.

"Go to sleep I'll wake you up when we gotta leave..." I feel her nod against my chest.

I do really,
Love her,
I've fallen head over heals for her.

For Johns sister.

Milky Mouthfuls? [Smii7y Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now