Chapter One

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Olivia P.O.V

Beep Beep Beep Be-

I quickly slam my alarm clock before my father will wake up I sigh to myself I roll out of bed and stand up I stretch my back  I walk over to my mirror slowly and take off my shirt as I see all of the red and purple bruises all over my body

I walk into my bathroom and step in the shower I feel the warm hot water hit my back stinging a bit on the bruises and open cut on my wrist. I sing to myself as I take a long shower and get ready for my big day it's the first day of school at Proctor high.

I mean I'm a senior now but everybody knows me not in a good way back in middle school I was popular everybody knew who I was everybody loves me but then a new kid came to the school a bad boy a player you might say always had women underneath his shoulder even me need him started to get close and close but he wanted to go more than what we were I want to to just be friends and boom he's better rumor about the whole school that I was trying to have sex with him and my reputation went down on hundred percent now he's with this little gang of friends that he has literally he's in a gang I forgot what the name was it's not even important I just have to try my best not to run into him

I step out of the shower. And grab a towl and dry myself and walk back into my room grab my makeup and cover as much bruises as I can I walk over to my closet and pick out an outfit I decide to wear the usual jeans and hoodie with adidas i look back in the mirror

Not bad, maybe this might be a good year I grab my purse and head downstairs I see my drunk father laying on the couch and i run to the door but once my hand hits the doorknob

"Olivia!" i Freeze "Come Over Here, Now!"

Slowly I walk back over to him and he stands up in front of me I look up at him and see the devil himself the eyes of a man who used to be my hero

I feel him grab my hair and yank me to the floor as I fall on my hands and knees and wince in pain

"where do you think you're going Dressed like That" he says in a deep tone" i say nothing

"Speak up when I'm talkin to you. You're such a an embarrassment" he said I fight back the tears, As he let my hair go I slowly get up I feel blood in my mouth immediately with a smack right on my left cheek my body moves and i stumble back.

"Get out of my face you slut"

i scurry out the door as fast as i can fighting the tears trying to escape

I shut the door behind me and Sigh in relief well could have been worse.


Authors note
Heyy its me again
Let me know if i should continue with this book or not. Trust me the chapters will be longer❤

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