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So, a half and a year ago we with my friends decided to start a new project on onother game of ours. We werent really any profesional team of game makers, we were just 5 guys ( 3 of them artists) who liked programing and wished to spend our skills in our free time to make something. We  already before have made some small games like "basketball toss" (wich was pain in ass for our editors and programers- me n Jack more than the rest of our artist team - Samnuel, Bill and Andy) or " Trash day" wich was more of an 3d crappy hitman game. So this time we decided to make something like visual novel, cause this time it will take advantage of all of our skills eaqualy rather than just some of us, also, its fairly easy to make so we could add more plot and ideas to it to make it longer. We were no budget team, so ofcourse it took long time, months even, to get atleast 80% done, for the fact that we could work with it only on our day offs. Our visual novel was about a girl being trapped in the world of where everyone is male, shes like alien there, and there are only some guys who promise to protect her until she finds way home for a price. Whilst making the game we had already gathered a fair amount of  fans who loved to see our updates on the game. Cause of this, we decided to make our game more lively, so we suggested voice acting in by our fans. They were cheering for that idea. We put off an contest for everyone who wishes to enter- to send an voice messige to our email. We had 7 guy roles open and 1 girl, ofcourse, it ment the fact that from 500 of the people entering, 200 were only for that single female role. We alresdy had our ideas of what we want our voices to sound like, so all it took was only to look trough them all and find the closest one. There were so many voice mesiges to look trought that it took about a month to look trough and pick all
of the male roles, we annoucned the male roles already ,we still had female voices to deal with. We hoped that we will finish it untill the game con that we hoped to showcase our game at after 2 weeks. As i already had an perfect idea for what female voice would be fitting for the role, i suggested to my friends that ill go trought it and implement it while they implement the male voices to the game. They trusted me the job, well, more like they allowed me to do it cause they werent really in the mood to go trought onother 200 of voice messiges. It took me week to go trough them, but supraisingly i found one voice preety fast. It was a girl around 17 years old from what i could tell, in the voice messige she sent she was heard reading a fairy tail what seemed to be her smaller sister, her voice was perfect for the role. I wrothe her back telling that we picked her and told my friends wich person to announce. For the next two days she didnt answer anything. Finnaly, 5 days before the con she sent me an audio messige as answer. I opened it and in the messige was her voice, but this time it was reading out words, almoust emotionless. It gave me the creeps. I wrote her that i have a script she should read out if she wishes to do it and better for her to reply fast as the time of the game ends soon, i sent it together with an file of script to her. 2 more hours went by, there were no answer, myfriends were starting to get annoyed by me as they have alredy done almoust half of the male voices for the game. I was getting irritated when she finnaly sent back onother audio. The audio was her again reading random sentences from script all over the place, some of them were emotionless and there were some creepy words that were read in between them. It was creepy. I wrote her again back,trying to be as kind as i could and told her to please read the script correctly. All she sent again back to me was that same audio messige. I was angry already but i couldnt do anything else just accept what she sent me and cut it down piece by piece just to get it done, cause now there was no way i can go over the 200 audios again and waste one day waiting for answred script. So i did what i planed. Finnaly finished putting the game together just as we were about to land with the plane at the city the con was happening at. Finnaly, it was done, it was rought, but it was done. The 2 days we spent at con meeting our new fans and showing off our game. We were so proud. Those 2 days was the best of my life. At the end of the 2rd day, we took down out booth and returned to our hotel rooms. While walking to the hotel them we heard an 40 year old woman scream behind for us to stop. We stopped as she lounded in tears and anger at  one of our team buds. We stopped her by hoding her arms together, we told her to calm down and tell us what have happened. In tears she spoke something about how disrespectfull we are to the people who have passed and how we dare to use her voice in our 'stupid' game. We didnt understud what she was talking about and then she in tears and anger explained that we have used her passed daughters voice in our game for the only female character. We were dumbfounded as my friends looked at me in shock. In panic i pulled out my phone, went into emails and showed the mother the voice messige with what she entered. The messige was sent a day after she died. And the fairytail reading, was the completly  last audio what was left of her before her car crash. But the voice.. the jammed script she sent, it Was Her voice...

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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