Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Take Me By The Hand, Take Me Somewhere New

“She’s completely serious, isn’t she?”

Vic is staring at me in disbelief as he says this. I’ve just explained everything to him, and now he holds the note in his hand, his eyes darting from it back to me.

I nod. “Afraid so.”

He stands up. “That’s so fucked. And she expects you to just go with it?”

"Pretty much."

He reads over the note again. “So we’re going to Vegas, then?”

"Uh…yeah," I say, surprised that he’s even agreeing to help me. "Looks like it."

Vic grabs his guitar with one hand and his beach towel with the other. “Well, then,” he says casually, as if this is something that happens every day. “We’d better start packing.”

Unfortunately, I put everything that I brought with me on this trip in my car, which, obviously, is not available. The only things I have with me are my phone, my wallet, and the clothes on my back.

"Well, you could either go shopping for some new clothes or borrow some of mine," Vic says when I tell him this. We’re sitting in his car, and he is driving us back to his house.

"Uh, I’ll just go shopping," I tell him. "I’ve got money."

Vic nods but stops at the bank anyways. “This might be a bit of an expensive trip,” he says.

While in the car, I try to call Bree back, mostly to ask her what the hell she thinks she’s doing. But apparently, the number she called me with only half an hour ago has been disconnected, so I call Matty again.

"Dude, you have got to get more friends,” he teases. “You just can’t stop calling. I think you’re in love with me.”

"You wish," I reply. "So guess what, Matty? Don’t ask why, but I’m going to Vegas. And, like, six other places."

"What? Why?"

I laugh. “I just told you not to ask me why. But yeah, it looks like I’m going on a road trip. I’ll give you updates on how this whole thing goes.”

"What whole thing?"

"My ex-girlfriend’s revenge."


After that, we go to Vic’s house, which has a few other cars parked around it. “Uh, do you have company over or something?” I ask as we park on the street right next to it.

"Yeah, my brother and his boyfriend are here. They come over a lot, so it’s almost like they live with us—me and my friend, that is."

"You live with a friend?"

He nods. “Yep. We’re just friends, though. It’s more fun that way, having a roommate. A hell of a lot better than living alone.”

"Ain’t that the truth," I agree.

Vic hops out of the car, and I follow him. When we step inside, I see a skinny guy with tattoos and a lip ring sitting on the living room couch, playing a video game on the TV. Briefly, he looks up and says, “Who’s the new guy?”

"This is Kellin," Vic says, nodding to me. "Kellin, this is my brother, Mike."

"What about a new guy?" says a guy with spiky hair, popping his head out from the top of the staircase. When he sees me, he yells, "Tony! We’ve got a live one!"

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