My Dark/Light Mate

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Somebody had reported my previous account, so I had to create a new account. I tried everything. I'd like that total idiot (I would swear but I won't because that person may report me again) to know they ruined my life because I had to start all over again and I'm mega depressed. Also, know I hate you if you were the one who did that and I won't forgive you because you made me seriously sad. Hope your happy- note the sarcasm. Sorry for that rant if you weren't the one who did that, I'm so so so sorry, but I am continuing this story. I am a friendly author and I don't mind some criticism, but I don't like plain mean comments. Because if I do find them often and I find they're from the same person, I will report you. And if you do say you hate my story, please leave a reason. I'm one of those people who want to know why someone doesn't like their work or just them as a person. Oh, and this story isn't going to copy the previous one word for word as I can't remember that- I'm pretty sure no one can. Even as the author. Anyway, I have a few people to recommend to you- Venellope1238232, FireAnna7078, ambergodfrey123, LovesHarryStyles123, and NikolettaSophia! Please check them out and vote and comment on their brilliant stories- and tell them I sent you! Thanks guys and happy reading!!


Chapter One~ Meeting my Dark/Light Mate

Chelsea's P.O.V...

'Chels, please! Open the door!' My cousin, Jared, yelled from the outside of my door. I wouldn't. I couldn't. I had just killed his parents- my uncle and aunt- and my own parents. How was I going to face the Pack now? Alpha Marcus and Luna Cassidy will have my head for murdering the Beta family. Jared is now the new Beta- after his dad, who was decreed dead about an hour ago. My parents followed shorty after in my episode. Wondering what had happened to make me kill them? I'm a Silver Wolf. The Darkness within me will consume me, should I not find my counterpart- the Light. There's a Prophecy, by the Elders of Old, made thousands of years ago and it goes something along the lines of this:

Two Silver Wolves shall come into existence. One born at the time of the Rising of the Eastern Sun, and the other, at the time of the Falling of the Western Moon. One shall be Light, and the other, Dark. Both are lethal in battle, but kind in nature, the exception being the Eclipses the Dark One shall experience. The Dark One is made to be a ruthless killer, mercilessly tearing apart her enemies, mutilating their bodies. Both shall be of status within their Packs. But they must find each other as they balance each other out- one without the other will destroy the Balance of Nature as the Night without the Day. Should they not find each other, the Darkness will consume the Dark One. No one shall ever be happy again should she succeed in her attempt to gain power. No one shall prosper.

Darkness and Light...

Darkness and Light...

Darkness and Light...

Jared had given up knocking and had left. I knew what I had to do. I was going to run away- tonight. I had a backpack that had necessities packed inside- clothes and such. I would hunt if I needed and I knew there were plenty of lakes so I shouldn't have a problem with water either. Suddenly, I felt grateful for the fact I had listened to my uncle when he was taking me around all the different territories- with permission of the Alphas of course. Young children were required to know these routes and those sort of things in case the worst came to the worst and they needed to run or something. My parents and my Pack all found it strange I never Shifted in front of them, but I just couldn't tell them. In the Prophecy, it says, 'The Dark One is made to be a ruthless killer, mercilessly reading apart her enemies, mutilating their bodies.'

It says the Dark One is a She Wolf. So they would automatically know that I was the Dark One and they'd be frightened of me, which was something I didn't want. As Beta, Jared should be able to protect me from the wrath of Alpha Marcus and Luna Cassidy. Although Alpha Marcus was intimidating, Luna Cassidy is the one I'm frightened of and more inclined to obey. She was just more... I don't know. But she frightened me more. Alphas are usually the ones who take care of the Pack, but Lunas had more cunning than them and females were clever and faster than Male Wolves, and despite the fact that Males were often much larger, She Wolves were stronger. We had more skill in other words- and another fact that I liked- we had more power and control over our Mates. Males obeyed our every command. Lunas were better adapted to ruling and leading, but Alphas, being the egotistical jerks they are, lead and expect the Lunas to sit back and just look pretty. One thing I know- if I happened to have a Mate who was an Alpha, there was no way I would just sit there and do nothing while my Mate and Pack was at war. I would go and help. I was lethal in battle- that's what Alpha Marcus said. Luna Cassidy had personally trained me as she seemed to have taken a liking to me after seeing me train one day at the regular Pack sessions. That was my last thought before I fell asleep on my bed.

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