65. Zach - Chimerical

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Chimerical means fanciful or imaginary, almost. Enjoyyyyy!!!!

"I'm here! I've arrived," Zach echoes throughout the house.

You get up off the couch, eager to hear his voice. He's been gone forever, like no one can wait two hours for someone to come home from grocery shopping on a vacation island. The boys invited you to Hawaii, where they wanted to celebrate the end of the Invitation Tour, even though it's late October. Still, it's kinda warm. Zach pleaded that it wouldn't be the same without you, since you're his girlfriend. You were so happy to come, but little did you know that the 'little friend' who comes once a month would attack the first day on Hawaii.

You walk up to Zach after he's put down the two brown bags full of groceries. "What took you so long?"

He pulls you into a hug. "Hey, babe. I had no idea where the had what you needed, so I had someone help me out. It took a while, since they apparently didn't work there. It was a struggle, but I got what I was looking for."

I pull away. "What? What did I need?"

He releases you and grabs one of the bags. "All for you, babe."

You grin, graciously grabbing the bag and looking inside, which is full of king size chocolates and packages of what you need for the 'friend who comes once a month'.

Still holding the bag, you wrap him into a hug. "You're the best, I love you."

He hugs you back. "Anything for you."

You still hug him, placing your head on his shoulder. "I read something today, and it made me happy. It reminded me of you."

"What could that be?"

You delightfully sigh. "There was a post about rare words, and one of them was called 'chimerical'. The definition is 'imaginary or fanciful'. I thought, that's just like you. You make my life so much better, and it's almost a fairy tale. Thank you for being so good to me."

He hugs you tighter. "It's not a fairy tale for a guy to treat a girl right. I love you."

You let go. "Love you more."

He rolls his eyes, thinking he loves you more. "Alright, alright. Wait...where are the other boys?"

You shrug. "They went to the beach. Of course, I couldn't go. They said they'd be back. Wanna go check on them?"

He shakes his head, grabbing the other grocery bag. "While they're on the beach, we can enjoy some quality ramen noodles and broccoli cheddar soup. I found it and thought it looked good."

You nod. "Agreed."

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