[m] .special chapter.

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This is... rated M... Like for real... this chapter is pure smut, it's full of kinky shit so if you can't take it then don't read it because i promise you it'll be explicit. So yeah... just a warning 😂


Sehun wipes the sweat off his forehead as he finished unpacking the last box. "That's the last of your stuff." he said.

"We still have a long way to go." Jongin groans as he looked at the other unopened boxes. "We can just unpack your stuff tomorrow."

"That's fine with me, I want to rest." Sehun says. "I'll borrow your clothes for now, I don't want to randomly open my boxes."

"Go ahead." Jongin nods.

"I'm taking a shower first."


Jongin looks around their new penthouse apartment once Sehun headed to the bathroom. They've been dating for a year now and they just decided to move in together since they sleep over at each other's apartments way too often anyways.

Sehun's family was fine with it when Sehun asked permission. Yeonseok, Sehun's older brother, even helped them find a place.

It hasn't been long since Yeonseok and Yoora got married. That was also the day where Sehun finally introduced Jongin to his whole family too. He didn't care about his aunts' comments anymore and that made Jongin proud.

The whole wedding was a bit awkward for Sehun though. Jongin couldn't help but laugh every time he recalls it. Yeonseok's wedding was practically a playground of Sehun's ex boyfriends.

Of course Chanyeol was there as the best man, Baekhyun was the organizer, Johnny was invited since he's Sehun's best friend, Minseok was invited too, Kyungsoo was in charge for the catering at the reception and lastly, Jongdae happened to be the priest.

Sehun wanted to strangle his brother for not telling him beforehand. It turns out, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo knew each other so Baekhyun chose Kyungsoo for the catering services. As for Jongdae, Yoora happened to like the church where Jongdae happened to be the parish priest.

Jongin was very amused because Sehun simply has no escape. At the end of the day, Sehun still had to greet his ex boyfriends. Jongin was left with Johnny at one point and he decided to ask him one important question.

"You obviously dislike me, may I know why?" he asks.

Johnny was taken aback by the question but he maintains his composure. "I didn't trust you at first and I guess I was a bit threatened."

"Threatened? Why? Do you still like Sehun?"

"Nah, he's my best friend and I don't have any romantic feelings for him anymore. I just got threatened because my title as his best boyfriend might get replaced." he chuckles.

"Petty but I understand." Jongin grins in amusement.

"I hope you're very patient with Sehun though, he's really high maintenance." Johnny smiles fondly.

"I can handle him." Jongin nods.

Right on cue, Sehun approaches them once again. He was obviously irritated. "Is something wrong?" Jongin asks.

"Chanyeol and Baekhyun invited me for a threesome again!" Sehun huffs. "Do they really want me to join that badly? I have a fucking boyfriend already, no pun intended by the way."

Johnny and Jongin ended up laughing at that. "What? You're my boyfriend, Jongin! You're not supposed to laugh when someone invites me for a threesome." Sehun complains.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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