chapter one

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It has been a week since I’ve last been to the coffee shop.

I’ve gone back to my old routine of staying in bed, reading a book and avoiding the outer world. And by outer world I mean my mom and Brianna, considering these are the only few people I talk to.

The only reason I decided to get out of bed this morning and why I’m walking to the coffee shop is because Brianna had found a way to make me feel guilty and get me to meet her there. Personally I thought meeting up there was a terrible idea, but Brianna has no idea what happened last week, if she did know she would either punch the guy in the face or make me go flirt with him. And neither one of those options are acceptable.

I stepped inside and looked around for Brianna, of course she wasn’t here yet.

I seated myself next to the window and took my phone out to listen to some music until she got here. After what seemed like an hour, Brianna finally seated herself across from me and shot me a huge grin.

        “Guess what?!” I stared at her waiting for her to continue, I wasn’t in a talking mood so I’ll just let her do all the talking.

        “Noel asked me out last night!” She was now practically beaming, she has always had a crush on Noel but he never acknowledged her so she tried to make him jealous by dating his friends but let me just tell you, it never worked.

        “That’s great.” Brianna frowned as soon as I said that, meaning she noticed I wasn’t really interested,

        “I’m happy for you.” I smiled softly at her, she didn’t return the smile but she muttered a thanks. Great, I had ruined her good mood. 

        “Have you seen a new guy at one of the parties from last week?” And that did the trick to get her back into her giddy mood.

        “New guy? No, I haven’t seen any new guy. Oh my god Val, did you meet someone?!” Yeah, I met a guy who wants me dead.

        “No, just some guy I didn’t recognize was ordering something here so I assumed he’s new around here.” I looked around hoping he’d magically appear because even if he wanted to kill me, he was gorgeous.

"Well, is he cute?" I noticed Brianna was getting impatient, she probably thought I finally found someone I was interested in. "I guess, but he seemed like a jerk."

She shook her head at me, smiling "Oh god, Val you like him, don't you?"

She almost jumped over the table and out of the corner of my eye I saw people giving her disapproving looks.

        "Sit down." I hissed, "And of course I don't like him, I don't even know the guy and I spilled coffee all over him." I cringed at the memory.

        "He looked so angry, it was terrifying and that's a good enough reason for him to hate me." Brianna burst out laughing at that and whenever she was about to stop laughing she'd glance at me and start laughing again.

        "How did you even manage to do that? Okay look, that could've happened to anyone but it's ironic how it happened to you." I gave her a cold stare which made her shut up immediately.

        "Anyway,don't be so hard on yourself I'm sure he doesn't hate you. Now go get your cute ass up and go get us some coffee." She looked like she would start laughing at me again so I stood up and went over to the counter just to get away from her.

When I got back to our table Brianna gave me a long questioning stare before asking,

        “So, what’s his name?” She raised an eyebrow at me and waited for an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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