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Jessie's POV:

Moments later the door fly's open,and I'm being blindfolded. WTF I'm being kiddnapped!!! "WTF PUT ME DOWN!!"  I struggle but they just tighten their grip. Wait what if I'm getting raped! Why do all bad things happen to me! Just then I'm dropped on the ground and unblindfolded.

I rub my head and open my eyes to see aboutguys staring down at me. Then I recognize Sam among them.

"What the fuck was that about?" I say a little ticked off.

"Just a little prank and you are gonna spend like a year with us. So ya know."Cameron says. Offering me a hand. Which I hesitate about taking. But then I realize I'm on a hotel floor and grab it.

"But how did you guys get in my room" I ask. They all Point and look at Sam.

"You have a key to my room!?"

"Uh...I might" He says looking a bit nervous.

"Sam can I see that Key?"
He puts a questioning look on his face.

"Why?"He says holding io the card.
And with that I Jump on top of him and try grabbing the card.

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