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Cooper laid by her side whining and licking her face.

"Miss? Miss? Can you hear me?" Someone said. "Call the police."

"That jerk just drove off."

"I saw everything that bastard on the bike caused everything."

Zaria moaned. She wanted to open her eyes but the pain was too much to even move her eyelids. She felt Cooper licking her face.

"Don't worry miss, you're gonna help you." Zaria heard someone say.

"Stay with us miss." Zaria heard.

She hated the fact that she could hear but no see. The darkness slipped in.


Zaria woke up to Lucas and Jay arguing. YoungJin was sitting beside her bed. She looked to see Cooper laying at the foot of the hospital bed.

"Can you both hush." YoungJin spoke in his best English.

"What he said." Zaria mumbled.

Cooper's head popped up as he heard Zaria's voice.

"He never left your side." YoungJin said.

"Brittany is sorting things out with the police." Jay said.

Lucas looked at her with a sad look.

"I'm fine." Zaria sighed.

"Yeah God was on your side." Jay said. "You weren't badly hurt."

"The impact just knocked you out." Lucas said. "By the way, who is he?"

"A friend." Zaria said. "I'm volunteering at his pet shelter."

"I'm guessing that's where you got the dog." Lucas said.

"Yeah. Cooper." She smiled at Cooper. "Love at first sight with him."

She called Cooper over to her. He laid himself on her bed.

"They didn't want to let him but Cooper dared not to leave your side." YoungJin petted him.

"Good boy." Zaria petted him.

Once the doctor cleared Zaria she was free to go. Jay took her back to Brittany's house where he cooked her something to eat. He went out and got some stuff for Cooper.

"I'm home." Brittany walked in and froze when she saw the dog.

"I can explain..."

"No need." Brittany smiled. "I already know."

"So he can stay." Zaria smiled.

"How can I say no with that smile." Brittany laughed. "I bet that's how you win over the guys hearts. Your smile just melts their hearts."

"Did you eat?" Zaria asked randomly. "Jay made a lot of food."

"No, I'm starving." Brittany headed into the kitchen.

They sat eating in silence. It got to awkward for Brittany so she broke it.

"Jay was devastated when he found out what happened." Brittany said. "I've never seen him like that before."

"And Lucas?"

"He was a wreck too." Brittany said. "That boy YoungJin was his name? Anyways he was upset too. He didn't fight or argue with Jay. He just prayed over you."

"I woke up to Jay and Lucas arguing." Zaria laughed.

"I'm back with Cooper's stuff." Jay called out.

Zaria got up and greeted him. She grabbed the stuff from him and put them in her room. She headed back into the living but stopped.

"When are you gonna tell her, she deserves to know." Brittany said.

"How can I tell her after what we just went through, I'd lose her for good." Jay sighed deeply.

"Jay, you're in a relationship with someone else. You chewed her out for something that wasn't real but..."

"It's complicated Brittany." Jay clinched his jaw shut. "I love Zaria, I don't love SooJi."

Zaria walked out in tears. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Why?" Zaria sniffed. "After all..."

Zaria didn't finish her sentence. She grabbed her stuff.

"Come on Cooper." She put the leash on him.

"You know this whole time but you didn't say anything." She looked at Brittany with tears in her eyes.


She shut the door and headed out to find YoungJin. Hoping that he was still at the shelter.

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