Tired Eyes and Soft Thighs

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Aizawa Shota had a killer headache.

All day at UA the students had been driving him crazy, and on top of that he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before from being out late on patrol. He opened the door of his shared apartment, shuffling inside and shutting the door behind him. He was a little surprised his boyfriend Hizashi hadn't ran to greet him like usual, but he shrugged it off. He was probably just busy, or not home yet.

He made his way to he and Hizashi's bedroom, shedding off his capture weapon and changing into some more comfortable clothes. Once changed he grabbed a bottle of painkillers from the bedside table and downed two of them, hoping they would act quickly. He'd be needing them since Hizashi had trouble being quiet, even though he's much more toned down at home than he is out in his hero persona. The loudness was just a part of who Hizashi was and Shota loved that (even though it had caused him physical pain on more than one occasion).

Snapping out of his thoughts Shota walked out to the living room to relax, a little surprised to see Hizashi already there. The other man was sitting on the couch with a thick stack of papers piled in his lap, scribbling on them with a somewhat concentrated expression. His brows were furrowed and his tongue was sticking out from his lips a little. He looked pretty adorable.

To make things even better his hair was completely down and straightened, falling over his shoulders until he reached up to tuck some of it behind his ear, pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose in the process. At that moment Hizashi seemed to notice Shota's presence in the room, grinning as his eyes set on the tired man.

"Welcome home Sho!"

Aizawa winced slightly from the volume of his voice and Hizashi seemed to notice, immediately apologizing in a whisper,

"Oh, sorry. Rough day, huh?" He smiled a little sympathetically at his lover, motioning for him to take a seat next to him. Shota simply hummed in response, accepting his offer to sit. He looked down at the stack of papers with a raised eyebrow, then back to Hizashi, asking a silent question.

"I was just grading some assignments I had given my class." He sighed as he organized them and sat them neatly on the floor along with the pen. "I swear some of those kids don't even try. Their English never improves no matter how much I teach and review.." He chuckled softly in defeat, shifting his attention over to the tired man at his side. A smile spread over his lips as he gazed at him,

"I missed you~"

Shota was unable to hold back a smile at that, his lips twitching upwards as he leaned over to place a kiss on the other's lips as a response. Hizashi gladly welcomed the affection, grinning widely at Shota when they broke apart.

"Zashi..." Shota grumbled, "I'm gonna use your thighs as a pillow. I'm tired and my head hurts."

Hizashi flushed a bit as Shota laid down on the couch and placed his head on his lap, staring up at him with tired bloodshot eyes.

"Are you sure? I don't know if it'll be comfy, my legs are pretty skinny.." He looked away, making Shota let out a little laugh.

"No, it's perfect. Wanna know why?"

"Hm?" The blonde hummed curiously, looking down at the other.

"Because I get to stare up at your handsome face."

Hizashi laughed softly, "Awh Sho you're being so sweet today. Maybe you should get headaches more often." He teased, making Shota huff and turn so his face was pressed into Hizashi's stomach.

"Shut up."

Hizashi laughed again, combing his fingers through Shota's hair affectionately.
"I love you, Sho~."

"...I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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