Chapter 1 - The Past

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It was the first of September, 2019. It was a sunny day, unusually warm for september. A fire red train made its way through miles and miles of grass land. In one of the carriages laughter could be heard.

'Do you all remember Lily actually cried two years ago? Because she couldn't come to Hogwarts,' Albus Potter said while trying to contain his laughter. His sister, Lily, rolled her eyes at him, but it is all in good spirit. This was the day she had been dreaming of for so long, after all. Nothing could sour her mood today. Absolutely nothing. 

'I believe you were almost crying as well,' Hugo Granger-Weasley said. 'Wasn't it because you were afraid you would end up in Slytherin?' he continued. Albus, dressed in his green Slytherin robes, stuck out his tongue to his nephew. It was true, he was very worried about the possibilty of being sorted into Slytherin. He used to believe Slytherin was the place where all the bad wizards were sorted. But now here he was, sorted into Slytherin. And everything was fine. He made great friends. One of them being Scorpius. 

Scorpius was looking out of the window, distracted. That's what he usually did, pull away from the conversation. He actually prefered being alone, or being with just Albus, but he didn't mind Albus' family. He liked them and they were always nice to him. Sometimes they felt like a second family. His parents were very busy, so the last couple of holidays they had sent him off to stay with the Potters. The first time he went he was worried Harry Potter wouldn't like him very much because of his past with his father. Harry had been nothing but nice and welcoming though. He liked staying with the Potters because even though Scorpius liked being alone, he didn't like being lonely. And there was no possibility to feel lonely at the Potters. They always had visitors. Sometimes Teddy Lupin would visit and that was always a great experience. Teddy was really cool and almost everybody looked up to him. But Scorpius liked it the most when the Granger-Weasleys were visiting. Because of Rose, ofcourse. She was really pretty and really funny. Even though Scorpius didn't talk a lot, he would always have really long conversations with Rose. He snuck a peek at her. She was laughing about something Albus had said. She really did have the most beautiful smile.

Rose Granger-Weasley had to catch her breath and wipe away some fallen tears. She felt a pair of eyes on her. When she looked around, she locked eyes with Scorpius. She smiled at him and looked away again. He was one of her best friends and she knew he didn't really feel like talking right now. Rose turned her attention to Lily. 'So Lily, what house do you think you'll be sorted in?' she asked her cousin. Her little brother Hugo started to talk before Lily could open her mouth. 'I say Lil and I surprise the whole family and get sorted into Hufflepuff. Then we would have one family member in each and every house.' It was true. No member of the family had been sorted into Hufflepuff yet. A couple of years ago everybody expected Victoire to be sorted into Hufflepuff, but she got Gryffindor. Rose herself had been sorted into Ravenclaw and Albus into Slytherin. But everybody else was a Gryffindor. She defenitely felt lonely at first, which is why she made a lot of friends. She got jealous sometimes, thinking about all the fun her family could be having in the Gryffindor common room together. But now, James was the only Gryffindor left. 

James Potter was distracted by something on his phone. He wanted to make sure he checked every little thing on social media, because he knew there would be no wifi at Hogwarts. He didn't mind that much, but he did have some old friends that he wouldn't talk to for a long time. His parents sent him and all of his siblings to a normal muggle school until they were old enough for Hogwarts. James was still friends with his muggle school friends and they always thought that it was really weird that he would basically dissapear for a couple of months at the time. James let out a long and loud sigh and put his phone away. He was ready for Hogwarts. Excited even. He looked out the window and saw a very familiar building in the distance. 'Hey, we're almost here guys!' Everybody in the carriage looked out of the window and some let out an excited squeal. 

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