Chapter Four

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~Carmen's POV~

I sat in Peter's bed later that night tears in my eyes holding a fifteen dollar stick that will forever change mine and Peter's lives waiting for him to get home. I really can't believe this is happening my parents will kill me and people at school god knows what they'll think. Flash might try and hurt Peter for this too like god I couldn't live with myself if that ever happe-. I was knocked out of my mind babbling when I see something in a blue and red suit crawl in the window my eyes widening when I see Peter take off the mask. I stay quite watching him crawl to the door and shutting it with a web and coming down to the ground. I drop the test my mouth falling open when he turns around looking at me shocked and holding his arm out "What was that?" Aunt May calls out "uh nothing nothing" Peter calls back looking at the door then back to me. "You're the spiderman, from youtube," I say in shock, "I'm not I'm not," Peter says back nervously clicking the spider on his chest causing the suit to get bigger. I point up causing him to look up "you were on the ceiling" "no no I wasn't, Carmen what are you doing in my room?" "May let me I told her we needed to talk." "you can't just bust into my room." He says jumping in front of me as his door opens to May "that turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster" she says taking her hair down "let's go to dinner tie. Carmen, you want Tie" she continues "no than-"I start but Peter cutting me off "yes," he says kicking the test on the floor under his bed. Well, I guess he saw it. "okay, Maybe put on some clothes" she directs towards peter him only in his boxers walking out as she closes the door. "She doesn't know?" I ask pointing at the suit "no no one knows" he whispers picking the suit up and stuffing it in a bag "but that's beside the point. The important thing is whats on that test." He says pulling on a sweater and pants. I look down at the test picking it up and holding it out to him. He doesn't bother to take it from me looking at it before taking in a deep breath and walking away to the door running his fingers through his hair "I can't believe this is happening." I sigh "I know." I say looking down "hey, hey its okay." He says walking up to me and taking my hands "were in this together. I'll be here every step of the way with you." I look up at him "Can we really do this?" I ask softly as he slowly nods his head at me pulling me into a hug, I hug him back as May walks into the room "hey guys if we're gonna go we need to leave now."

~Dinner Peter's POV~

I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad. A dad at fifteen I don't know how I'm gonna do this. I sigh softly pulling out a chair for Carmen and then one for Aunt May. I sit down across from Aunt May and beside Car I can't help but glance down at her still flat belly just thinking about how much bigger it'll get and how much this is all gonna hurt her by the end of this next coming nine months. "Peter Peter," Aunt May says trying to get my attention "Peter talk to me" I finally look up once she says that "I'm sorry, I'm just distracted".

~Next day Carmen's POV~

I smile softly walking with Ned and Peter to school whispering with Peter the whole way about when we'd tell May and my parents about our little situation. "Are you guys talking about me or something?" Ned asks worriedly Peter turn to look at him quickly "no Ned not at all its just just.." "Just what?" Ned says looking at the ground sadly. " it's just that I'm um pregnant" I say quietly to Ned. I mean I might as well he's gonna know sooner than later "wait what really? Why does Peter know?" Ned says shooting out questions. Peter looks at me like I'm crazy "why did you just tell him?" "why wouldn't she tell me and tell yo- wait a second... you and her and you got her," Ned says to Peter as Peter starts to nod his head "so are you two like a thing now?" "No Ned" I answer for Peter.

~Time skip about 2 months~ 

~Carmen's POV~

Peter and I've grown a lot closer over the pregnancy but we still aren't really telling anyone but some people are noticing my gain in weight even Flash pointed it out the other day but we've only told Ned, MJ, May, and my parent's about it. Ned's honestly pretty excited where MJ smacked the shit out of Peter. May was honestly just really upset with us but she gladly invited me to stay with them after she heard what my parents did when they heard which was kick me out. I have to admit though when you put our friends and family aside it's actually exciting to know that we have something like this coming our way. A smile comes to my face when I fill Peter's arms wrap around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder "hey" he whispers smiling. I giggle softly "hey Parker," I say leaning my head against his "are you excited for the doctors appoint?" I ask him as he nods his head. He freezes slightly his eyes glued to Liz as she walks down the hall with Flash while Flash glares at me because of Peter touching me. "Peter just because we're having a baby doesn't mean you can't be with Liz" I whisper it slightly hurt to say it. I just don't understand how he could still want her over me especially when I'm carrying his only child not her.  I'm broken out of my mind babble as he says "really you wouldn't mind." I shake my head "no I wouldn't. It's not like we've been together Peter this is all happening over one little drunken mistake at a party." he nods his head slightly letting go of me.

~Flash'es POV~

How the hell could she pick peins parker over me? Also ever since they got together shes gain weight maybe that's why they've been all over each other maybe he got her drunk and slept with her cause god knows he's got to have some help getting a girl like that into bed but god what if peins parker knocked up my girl.

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