Chapter 1

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Smoke fills the air. I look around and see everyone frantically running out, but I can't move. My legs feel heavy, stiff, and numb. Tears roll down my cheeks, scared for life. Maybe this is how my life is supposed to end. In a group home, no family, and in a fire. I lay back down and close my eyes, letting the thick black smoke consume me. Suddenly, I feel arms wrap around my body and see what seems like the night air. Coughing out the smoke, I look around and see everyone else perfectly fine. Laughing to myself, I look around and lay back on the stretcher. I close my eyes and just forget that this happened. 

Waking up to no one in the room with you is normal. I see I'm attached to so many machines and I look at the door and see the doctor walk him. I try to listen, but his words aren't words in my ears. I sit up and shake my head to help me hear better, but nothing's working. I just nod my head, knowing he'll do the right thing. I lay back down and I see a familiar face. The face I saw when my mom died. I look down and see Alex, my social worker. Knowing what comes next is never a shocker. 

"Foster home or group home?" I look out the window and play with my IV in my hand. This is how my life has been. I've never settled down in one home that I could call my own. It's been that way for about ten years. Three group homes and seven foster houses later now comes another foster home. Each home has told its own story. 

When being discharged, I find that there's already a family that wants me. Me of all people, why? I shake the thoughts that fog my brain and head out with them. The mom stands tall and is professionally clothed. The dad, on the other hand, is the total opposite, sweatpants and a hoodie. I get in, hoping this will be the last home, as I hoped each time. As we get to what seems like a palace. I get my bags. While heading in I see a tall male figure. I look back at my foster parents as they explain who this figure is. Blake is what I'm told his name is and that he's my foster brother. While getting settled in the guest room, Blake comes and decides to help. Blake will be the story of this home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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