Chapter 16 - Final -

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Never once Liked, wanted to protect you, or even loved you, I find it funny that you would even think for a second that I could ever love someone like you, Ha don't make me laugh just the thought of me liking you bring's shiver's down my spine" He said looking me in the eyes with this big smile on his face as if he just let a big burden go.

"The only reason I'm even friends with you is because I need to use you, I twisted you into doing and feeling what ever I wanted like right now your feeling all sad, hurt, betrayed as if your parents died all over again, well see-yah. And don't come looking for me I don't need to see your ugly face again" He said as he turned around and started walking away. " Think you for being honest about every thing" I said as he turned around.

" Well leave then......" He said turning his head and looked at my face. I'll I did was smile " I know what I felt was never the same on how you felt about me it was all ways to good to be true, that I had finally had some thing I wanted to hold on to for ever was way to hard to believe. I guess I was always to busy with the happy moment's of us together to realise that it was always me who was in love and you never had feeling's for me" I said with a big smile on my face now

" Well I guess this is good-bye than or at least until I'm strong enough for you not to look down on me like I was a mistake that never should have happened to Up and say you were glad that you had me" I said waving, and turning around, that's when I started running I wanted his last  memory of me to be a proud one.

I was far enough to know he cant see me any more and stopped, leaned and slide down a tree next to me. I felt the could tears falling from my face. "Why why did he have to leave me" I said to my self and started punching the cold hard dirt " Couldn't he have just said to me I love you and always's will, but this is something I need to do on my own, I...I would have preferred him lying to me instead of that...... I feel as if I'm being suffocated." I said as I slowly stopped punching the dirt.

" I guess it was me who was always the fool" I started to stand and that's when I remembered I need to get stronger, so he doesn't look down on me, but up. I decided If anything I need to learn to harvest the power of the beast within me, So on the day I can see him again. I walked back to our place and started to pack my bag of all the stuff I might need.

I walked out the front door and dropped the key on the floor. I need to leave all my memory's behind and work on getting what I want back and never let it go again. "So let's start our training now....." I said flinging the bag on my back and running off straight toward's the woods were I will start my new life and training to one day hold Sasuke in my arms again.................


Sequel :

Oh one last note before I go.... Umm I made a book called "Could you love me?" and I would love if all my fans could read it and comment about it even if it's a bad comment please comment 

(」゚ペ)」 Think you all for reading. 

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