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Every year, a competition in which young ladies compete for the hearts of the kingdom's princes is held. They are compared in personality, strength, and etiquette, meeting with each of the princes and putting their compatibility to the test.

This competition occurs during every prince's lifetime. Beginning at their twenties and ending when they reach the age of twenty six, or when they find the one they wish to spend their lives with. They go on for as long as at least one of the princes is within the age limit, or until they've all chosen a girl to wed. This year is the first year that all of the princes of this generation will be participating.

Because this year happens to be the 50th anniversary of this event, the king and queen have decided to double the usual number of participants, making the usual fifty a whopping hundred.

Hundreds of thousands of girls between the ages of twenty and twenty five entered themselves in hopes of being chosen, but only the most qualified could enter.

In this competition, young ladies compete for the hearts of the kingdom's princes.

Are you ready for the Marital Games?


One two three

One two three

One two—

"Oh! Sorry (Y/N)!"

You sighed, smiling slightly, "It's alright, Anna. You want to try again?"

She shook her head smiling before running to gather her things, "No, it's getting late! Let's go wash up so we can get home by dinner!"

You smirked, holding your finger up, "Ah ah ah, remember? When one finishes a dance, one curtsies."

She gasped dramatically and scurried back in front of you, hastily curtsying before grabbing your hand and dragging you out the door.

You ran to catch up, your skirt swaying behind you as your hair fell against your face. "Anna, it's not very ladylike to run!" you joked.

She laughed, "Well it's not very ladylike to yell!"

You both giggled as you slowed to a jog once you both reached your home.

She opened the door for you both and called out to your mother saying that you had returned.

Your mother popped her head out from the next room, "Oh, hello Anna. Are you staying for dinner tonight?"

Anna's smile widened, "Nope!"

You mom gasped, "Oh, it's already that time of year again, isn't it."

She nodded, "Yeah, my father's coming home tonight to wish me luck!"

You smiled, "Well, tell him and your mother, I said hello."

Anna laughed, giving your mom a quick hug before waving goodbye.

Your mother sighed, "I can't believe I forgot again. First your cousin, now you."

You smiled sheepishly. Your cousin lived with you and your mother because your aunt died shortly after giving birth, and her father had abandoned them during the pregnancy. She was a sister to you, but you didn't see her much anymore because she had just gotten married to the baker's son a few weeks prior.

You cleaned up the dining room table and began setting the places, "It's alright, it's not that important."

She puffed her cheeks, "Not to you, maybe, but the royal family really looks forward to this."

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